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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Highpoints | Volume 35, No. 10 -- October 2019

2020 Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Competition and Awards

Give your best projects the broad exposure and global recognition they deserve. Begin planning your entry now. Deadline for submitting entries is February 1, 2020. Participants in the 2020 AAEES E3S will be able to submit completed entries online. Look for details at http://www.aaees.org/e3scompetition/.

In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the 1970 Clean Air Act, the E3S competition encourages the submission of Clean Air process (and its variants) projects in all categories. These projects will be judged within their submitted category and also in a new, one-time-only category, the "50th Anniversary of the 1970 Clean Air Act". Double your chances of winning! Please indicate if your project includes the Clean Air process (and its variants) on the Reservation Form. Click here for more details.

2020 Environmental Communications (EComm) Awards

Communicating with a diverse set of stakeholders, as well as the public at large, can be a complex and challenging task. Communication and marketing plans must be designed to address the objectives and strategies of a campaign's need to reach a target audience. With this in mind, AAEES is proud to offer this area of competition and invites consulting firms and municipal agencies alike to enter.

Completed entries for the EComm Awards Competition must be uploaded by March 1, 2020. You may submit the reservation form at any time, but it is advised that you do so early to ensure that you have sufficient time to review the instructions and test your secured drop box before the March 1st deadline.

For entry forms and guidelines, go to http://www.aaees.org/ecommcompetition/.

2019 AAEES Annual Board of Trustees Meeting

The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at the Residence Inn Arlington Capital View in Arlington, Virginia, October 17-18, 2019.

The BOT meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. Friday, October 18. The President's Reception and Installation of new officers will be held the evening of Thursday, October 17. To register, go to http://bit.ly/2019FallBoT.

2020 Committee Appointments

Reminder to Committee Chairs – President-Elect James Patterson is anxious to receive your recommendations for new committee members and/or chairs to replace those whose terms expire in December 2019. The Academy is seeking volunteers who are interested in participating in the Academy's governance through its network of committees. Committee appointments are for three-year terms. Please email your recommendations and letters of interest to "the attention of President-Elect James Patterson" either via email, at JSOlmo@aaees.org or via postal mail to Academy Headquarters * 147 Old Solomons Island Road* Suite 303 * Annapolis, MD 21401, at your earliest convenience. For a list of committees and committee members, click here.

Committee Openings

Chairs are needed for the following committees:

  • Excellence in Environmental Engineering & Science Award Committee
  • International Relations Committee
  • Audit Committee

The Radiation Protection Committee needs members.

Please contact Sammi Olmo via email, at JSOlmo@aaees.org if you are interested in any of these positions.


If you were selected for the Recertification Audit and have not submitted your documentation you need to do so now, reminders will be sent out.

Membership Corner

It is never to late to renew or to apply for certification, please contact Joyce Dowen at 410-266-3311 for assistance.

Annual Certification Renewal

The eblast renewal has gone out for 2020. There are different ways to renew. You can renew online, by renewal form or give Joyce Dowen a call at 410-266-3311.

It's Simple - Refer a Colleague to Apply for Board Certification

Submit a Nomination
  1. Click here for the simple one-page nomination form for Board Certification OR
    Click here for the simple one-page nomination form for Board Certification through Eminence
  2. Complete the form
  3. Click on the Submit This Nomination button on the form
  4. Your default email application will open
  5. Click on the Continue button
  6. Click Send

AAEES Activities

Elevate Your Visibility Today Through the Academy

It's easy and free to host an Academy Workshop or Seminar in your locale. If you would like to learn more, please email Workshops and Seminars Chair Sharon Yin, SYin@ocsd.com and copy JSOlmo@aaees.org. Be sure to give an approximate date and suggested topic (if any), possible speakers, and possible location. For three easy steps to hosting an event, click here.

October 23, 2019 at 12 pm EST - FREE AAEES Webinar.
Multipronged Collection System Odor Control Program at OCSD; Less Odors and Lower Costs.

This project won the Superior Achievement award - the Academy's highest honor - in this year's E3S competition.

Click here to register. Academy members can earn PDH credits for attending this session.