2020 AAEES Annual Board of Trustees Meeting
The 2020 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Installation of new Officers and Trustees will be held virtually on October 16. 2020.
The BOT meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. Friday, October 16. Details to follow.
2020 Virtual Conference and Awards Ceremony
The Awards Conference and Awards Ceremony will be held virtually on Thursday, October 15, 2020.
2 PDHs will be earned for attending!
The winners of the Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science and the Environmental Communications awards will be announced.
Our keynote speaker is our 2018 AAEES Honorary Member, Dr. Rita Rossi Colwell. Dr. Colwell's presentation is entitled: "Climate, Oceans, and Human Health - what Cholera can teach us About COVID-19."
Our Superior Achievement Award winner, Los Angeles County Sanitation District, will discuss their Tulare Lake Compost Project: Attaining Sustainability in a Nonattainment Area. In this presentation, the project leaders will discuss the engineering challenges -supported by scientific research - that brought the facility to its present operating status. Equally as important is how the project team are planning to move forward to achieve higher throughput while maintaining compliance with environmental regulations that meet both state and Federal mandates.
In addition, we will be honoring the following outstanding individuals in environmental engineering and environmental science who have made significant contributions to the profession and to the people and communities they serve:
Gordon Maskew Fair Award |
Stanley E. Kappe Award |
Edward J. Cleary Award |
Science Award |
Honorary Member |
International Honorary Member |
Register online at http://bit.ly/2020AAEESAwards
2021 Committee Appointments
Reminder to Committee Chairs - President-Elect Lilia Abron is anxious to receive your recommendations for new committee members and/or chairs to replace those whose terms expire in December 2020. The Academy is seeking volunteers who are interested in helping the Academy through its network of committees. Committee appointments are for three-year terms. Please email your recommendations and letters of interest to “the attention of President James Patterson” either via email, at JSOlmo@aaees.org or via postal mail to Academy Headquarters * 147 Old Solomons Island Road* Suite 303 * Annapolis, MD 21401, at your earliest convenience. For a list of committees and committee members, click here.
Special thank you to Dr. James Clarke for his tireless efforts in chairing the Integration Task Force for the past three years.
2021 Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Competition and Awards
Give your best projects the broad exposure and global recognition they deserve. Begin planning your entry now. Deadline for submitting entries is February 1, 2021. Participants in the 2021 AAEES E3S will be able to submit completed entries online. Look for details at https://www.aaees.org/e3scompetition/.
2021 Environmental Communications (EComm) Awards
Communicating with a diverse set of stakeholders, as well as the public at large, can be a complex and challenging task. Communication and marketing plans must be designed to address the objectives and strategies of a campaign’s need to reach a target audience. With this in mind, AAEES is proud to offer this area of competition and invites consulting firms and municipal agencies alike to enter.
Completed entries for the EComm Awards Competition must be uploaded by March 1, 2021. You may submit the reservation form at any time, but it is advised that you do so early to ensure that you have sufficient time to review the instructions and test your secured drop box before the March 1st deadline.
For entry forms and guidelines, go to https://www.aaees.org/ecommcompetition/.
Certification Renewals
You may now renew your specialty certification online. To renew online (or just to update your membership information, click here to go to the AAEES Center.
If you cannot renew online or if you need to renew using a check, you may still renew your recertification via mail by downloading a blank renewal form at https://www.aaees.org/_downloadcenter/members/RenewalPackage-2021.pdf or by emailing Susannah Walz at SWalz@aaees.org to request a hard copy of your renewal.
Electronic Certification Applications Available Year 'round
Who encouraged you to obtain your Certification? Won't you encourage qualified colleagues and associates to submit their applications for specialty certification? The Academy's online application forms make it easy to initiate the process. Don't wait until the last minute to help an associate receive the recognition and prestige that comes with becoming a Board Certified Environmental Engineer, Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member (non-PE), or Board Certified Environmental Scientist. Certification information and applications are available online at https://www.aaees.org/becomeboardcertified/. When encouraging applicants, be sure to send them the link to the Academy's "Value of Certification Video" and/or the Value Proposition Slide Show.
Just copy and paste these links into your message to candidates:
Or Nominate Someone to Apply for Board Certification
- Click here for the simple one-page nomination form for Board Certification OR
Click here for the simple one-page nomination form for Board Certification through Eminence - Complete the form
- Click on the Submit This Nomination button on the form
- Your default email application will open
- Click on the Continue button
- Click Send
AAEES on Social Media
Reap the little-known advantages of social media. It's never too late to start. Try visiting, following, subscribing to, and recommending the Academy on all of its newly updated social media networks. Contribute a valuable discussion to the thousands of subscribers on LinkedIn, join the conversation on Twitter, check out your Academy's exciting events on Facebook, view the most up to date photos on Flickr, and much more! Give it a whirl! You can access all of the Academy's social media networks through the new shortcuts on the AAEES homepage: https://www.aaees.org/.
The information for the 2020 Recertification Audit was sent by email to the members selected. If you did not receive one, you are not being audited. If you have any questions, please give Susannah a call at 410-266-3311. The audit is really very simple. You complete the form and submit the documentation. For instance, you receive 24 PDH credits for full time employment. You can document this by sending a business card or a letter to Susannah.
If you have not renewed your certification, it is not too late. Please call Susannah at 410-266-3311 or email her at SWalz@aaees.org. If your certification has lapsed 3 or more years, you will need to be reexamined.
Please keep in mind that if you are a Life member, you still have to renew your certification even though you do not pay a fee.
AAEES Activities
Elevate Your Visibility Today Through the Academy
It's easy and free to host an Academy Workshop or Seminar in your locale. If you would like to learn more, please email Workshops and Seminars Chair Sharon Yin, SYin@ocsd.com and copy JSOlmo@aaees.org. Be sure to give an approximate date and suggested topic (if any), possible speakers, and possible location. For three easy steps to hosting an event, click here.
October 15, 2020 - 2020 AAEES Virtual Awards Ceremony and Conference. Click here to register.
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