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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Highpoints | Volume 36, No. 5 -- May 2020

AAEES Elections

The AAEES Elections will again be totally electronic.

With this system, there will be every incentive to vote immediately rather than put it off and running the risk of never actually voting. So when you see an item in your inbox that says AAEES Election of Officers, please do us a favor and set aside a few minutes to take care of that ballot right away. The system we are using for the online election is myDirectVote so the email will be coming from directvote.net.

All eligible Board Certified Individuals and AAEES Members will receive an email with their log in credentials and instructions prior to the June 1 open date.

Taking care of this right away will guarantee that you get no more reminders. Or conversely, not responding will guarantee that you do get a reminder if you are too busy with other things to fill out the ballot right then.

Thanks for taking the time to cast your ballot.

2020 AAEES Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Awards Luncheon and Conference

The Academy’s Awards Luncheon and Conference is tentatively rescheduled for Thursday, October 15 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. The winners of the Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science and the Environmental Communications awards will be presented with their awards. Click here to register.

AAEES at NJWEA’s 105th Annual Conference

AAEES's 12th Annual Workshop and Breakfast at NJWEA's 105th Annual Conference has been rescheduled for July 27. The conference will take place July 27 through July 31, 2020 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Thank you David Marabello and David Vaccari for organizing this event.

It's Simple - Refer a Friend to Apply for Board Certification

  1. Click here for the simple one-page nomination form for Board Certification OR
    Click here for the simple one-page nomination form for Board Certification through Eminence
  2. Complete the form
  3. Click on the Submit This Nomination button on the form
  4. Your default email application will open
  5. Click on the Continue button
  6. Click Send

Annual Certification Renewal for 2020

If you have not renewed your 2020 Specialty Certification, your certification is considered lapsed. You can renew online at:


If you are a Life member, you still have to renew even though you do not pay a fee.

Update Your Account Information

Have you changed jobs or moved recently? Please go to our website and update your information, or contact Susannah at SWalz@aaees.org.

Membership Corner

Did you know you can renew online anytime at The AAEES Center? If you have not renewed by now, your certification is expired. You can renew at https://netforum.avectra.com/eWeb/DynamicPage.aspx?Site=AAEES.

Staff Summer Hours

Staff summer hours begin Memorial Day Weekend. The office closes Fridays at 12:00 p.m. Normal business hours resume following Labor Day Weekend. You may leave a message for any staff person by calling 410.266.3311 and listening for the appropriate extension, or send an email. Click here to access the staff directory.

2020 Examinations

The 2020 application cycle has ended. The Admissions Committee will be conducting their evaluations of this year’s crop of applicants for board certification in their specialty at the end of May or early June. EXAMINATIONS WILL be conducted during July and August. If you are called upon to serve on a peer review panel or as a Chief Examiner, your cooperation and assistance in this effort are greatly appreciated and you will receive 0.5 PDH credit per interview.

Subscribe to the AAEES Meetings and Events Calendar

Click here to view the AAEES Events Calendar. Bookmark it or subscribe to our calendar to have the most up-to-date events, meetings, and announcements ready for you on your computing device or smart phone.

Have You Visited The AAEES Center? - BCEEs, BCEEMs, BCESs, Members, Young Professionals and Student Members

You may renew and update your profile records online. Additional members-only benefits include an online directory, search for other members, view updated committee and board rosters, and purchase lapel pins, certificates, and other apparel.

Non-members and guests are also able to use the AAEES Center to apply for membership, subscribe to Environmental Engineer and Scientist, register for events, and to purchase AAEES publications. Click on the Login button on the AAEES.org home page to visit the AAEES Center or click on the following link: https://netforum.avectra.com/eWeb/StartPage.aspx?Site=AAEES.

The AAEES Center is a secure site. The information that we collect is never shared with third parties outside of our organization.

AAEES on Social Media

Facebook logo Linked logo Twitter logo YouTube logo Flickr logo Blogger logo

Please visit, follow, subscribe, and recommend the Academy on all of our newly updated social media networks! Contribute a valuable discussion to the 1900+ subscribers on LinkedIn, join the conversation on Twitter, check out your Academy's exciting events on Facebook, view the most up to date photos on Flickr, and much more! You can access all of the Academy's social media networks through the shortcuts on the AAEES homepage: https://www.aaees.org.

AAEES Activities

Elevate Your Visibility Today Through the Academy

It's easy and free to host an Academy Workshop or Seminar in your locale. If you would like to learn more, please email Workshops and Seminars Chair Sharon Yin, SYin@ocsd.com and copy JSOlmo@aaees.org. Be sure to give an approximate date and suggested topic (if any), possible speakers, and possible location. For three easy steps to hosting an event, click here.

May 20, 2020, AAEES Free Webinar: Low-Cost Passive Biofilters for Onsite Wastewater Nitrogen Removal. Click here to register.

June 4, 2020, AAEES Free Webinar: Tulare Lake Compost: Attaining Sustainability in a Nonattainment Area. Click here to register.

July 27, 2020, AAEES's 12th Annual Workshop (with TCHs, PDHs and CEUs); includes breakfast and/or lunch at NJWEA's Conference, Atlantic City, NJ: For registration or exhibitor information, visit http://www.njwea.org.

July 28, 2020, AAEES's Annual Breakfast at NJWEA's Conference. For registration or exhibitor information, visit http://www.njwea.org.

October 8, 2020, 2020 CNY Environmental Symposium, Cazenovia, New York. Details will be posted as they become available.

October 15, 2020, AAEES Awards Luncheon and Conference, National Press Club, Washington, DC.

October 16, 2020, AAEES Board of Trustees Meeting, Arlington, VA.

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