2019 Environmental Communications Awards
We all know how important communicating complex and challenging issues to stakeholders and partners can be. Effectively communicating with the public at large and other constituents is equally as important. With this in mind, AAEES is inviting you to enter this year's Environmental Communications Awards competition. The Academy is proud to offer this area of competition and invites consulting firms and municipalities alike to enter. The deadline to upload your entry is March 1, 2019. For entry forms and guidelines, go to http://www.aaees.org/ecommcompetition/.
2019 AAEES Kappe Lecturer
The 2019 Kappe Lecturer is Nancy G. Love, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE.
Dr. Nancy G. Love is the Borchardt and Glysson Collegiate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University Michigan, and an adjunct Professor at the Institute of Biotechnology at Addis Ababa University. She will be visiting university campuses during the 2019 fall semester. The objective of the Kappe Lecture Series is to share the knowledge of today's practitioners with tomorrow's engineers and scientists.
For abstracts of the lectures she has prepared and reservation information, go to http://www.aaees.org/kappelectureseries/. The reservation deadline is March 15, 2019. Schools that host a Kappe Lecturer will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis, so submit your requests as soon as possible.
2019 Environmental Engineering and Science Resource Guidebook - Sign Up for Your Listing
The Academy invites you to sign up for a listing in the 2019 Environmental Engineering and Science Resource Guidebook. We are releasing the Guidebook in both electronic and print format to make this year's edition easier to use and easier to distribute to individuals and organizations looking to connect with environmental specialists. We are expanding the content that each listing receives – enabling web links in the e-version and providing more room to post information on your specialties in both versions. We expect to print and distribute the new publication more widely than we have in the past, with a special focus on outreach at the trade events and conferences we attend during the year. We are also planning an expanded role for the Guidebook in making federal, state, and local agencies aware of the capabilities of our members in helping deal with current environmental engineering needs.
Ask your organization's sales and marketing team to reserve its space by March 31, 2019. It provides great exposure for a small investment. For details, email JSOlmo@aaees.org. Click here to download the 2019 Reservation Form.
It's Simple - Nominate a Colleague to Apply for Board Certification
- Click here for the simple one-page nomination form for Board Certification OR
Click here for the simple one-page nomination form for Board Certification through Eminence - Complete the form
- Click on the Submit This Nomination button on the form
- Your default email application will open
- Click on the Continue button
- Click Send
2019 Certification Audit
The 2019 Certification Audit will start in May 2019. We select 2% of the membership randomly for the audit. If you are selected for the audit, you will receive a package by email. Forty PDH's are required for a 2 year period, and members in the Active and Life Active class are included. Those who were audited within the past 10 years are exempt from the current cycle. If you have any questions, please let Joyce Dowen know at JDowen@aaees.org.
2019 Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Awards Luncheon and Conference
Save the Date! The Academy's Awards Luncheon and Conference will be held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, on Thursday, April 25, 2019. The winners of the Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science and the Environmental Communications awards competitions will be announced. Details will be coming soon.
Distinguished Engineers and Scientists to be Recognized
The Academy will recognize distinguished environmental engineers, environmental scientists, and other environmental professionals at its Awards Luncheon to be held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, on Thursday, April 25, 2019:
- Gordon Maskew Fair Award: David A. Dzombak, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE
- Edward J. Cleary Award: Christopher R. Schulz, P.E., BCEE
- Stanley E. Kappe Award: R. Benson Pair, P.E., BCEE
- Science Award: Joseph Alfred Cotruvo, Ph.D., BCES
- Honorary Member Award: Gordon Maskew Fair, Ph.D. (in Memoriam)
- International Honorary Member Award: Chilpin Huang, Ph.D.
- Brewster Snow Award: TBD
- Wesley Eckenfelder Graduate Student Research Award: TBD
- Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Education Award: TBD
- Innovyze Excellence in Computational Hydraulics/Hydrology Award: TBD
The AAEES Keynote Speaker for the Awards Luncheon will be announced very soon.
Annual Certification Renewal for 2019
If you have not renewed for 2019, please do so today because your certification has lapsed. You can renew online, email, fax or over the phone.
AAEES Career Center
The interactive job board is free to members who are seeking employment. The site provides employers and recruiters with highly qualified environmental engineering job candidates. Employers may post available positions directly to the Career Center for a fee of $495/position for a 30 day listing. Payment is made online by credit card. Internship postings are free! For more information, go to https://careers.aaees.org.
Committee Openings
The following committees have openings on their rosters. Please contact Sammi at JSOlmo@aaees.org if you are interested in filling one of these important positions.
- Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Committee - Chair
- International Relations Committee - Chair
AAEES Activities
Elevate Your Visibility Today Through the Academy
It's easy and free to host an Academy Workshop or Seminar in your locale. If you would like to learn more, please email Workshops and Seminars Chair Sharon Yin, SYin@ocsd.com and copy JSOlmo@aaees.org. Be sure to give an approximate date and suggested topic (if any), possible speakers, and possible location. For three easy steps to hosting an event, click here.
April 25, 2019, AAEES Awards Luncheon and Conference, National Press Club, Washington, DC. Additional details forthcoming.
May 6, 2019, AAEES's 10th Annual Workshop (with TCHs, PDHs and CEUs); includes breakfast and/or lunch at NJWEA's Conference, Atlantic City, NJ: For registration or exhibitor information, visit http://www.njwea.org.
May 7, 2019, AAEES's Annual Breakfast at NJWEA's Conference. For registration or exhibitor information, visit http://www.njwea.org.
June 10 - 12, 2019, AWWA ACE19 Conference: Denver, Colorado. The AAEES/AIDIS/AWWA Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, June 12th at the Colorado Convention Center. The Keynote Speaker is Robert Renner, Chief Executive Officer (Retired), The Water Foundation. His presentation is: "Water and the Foundation: Past, Present and Future". For details, go to http://www.awwa.org.
June 25 - 28, 2019, A&WMA's 112th Annual Conference & Exhibition (ACE), Quebec City Convention Centre. For details, go to https://www.awma.org/.
Future AAEES webinars for 2019 to be announced. Stay tuned.
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