2018 Excellence in Environmental Engineering & Science
It's time to begin planning your entries for the E3S Competition for 2018. The deadline for entries is February 1, 2018. The submission process is entirely electronic, allowing you to submit your completed entry directly online. Judging is also conducted electronically with an unlimited geographic representation of judges. Entering the E3S competition is a prerequisite for entering the North American category of the IWA PIA Awards.
For entry details, click here. For other information, email JSOlmo@aaees.org.
2017 AAEES Annual Board of Trustees Meeting & Technical Conference
The 2017 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees Meeting will be held at the San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, Texas, October 18-20, 2017. President Williams encourages the BOT to arrive early to attend the Welcome Dinner on Wednesday evening, October 18th and the Technical Conference – Protecting Our Precious Resource – Texas Water on Thursday, October 19th.
Seats are still available for the technical conference. Register online now at http://bit.ly/2017TXConference.
The BOT meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. Friday, October 20th. The President's Reception and Installation will be held the evening of Thursday, October 19th.
2018 Committee Appointments
Reminder to Committee Chairs – President-Elect Hunter Nolen is anxious to receive your recommendations for new committee members and/or chairs to replace those whose terms expire in December 2017. The Academy is seeking volunteers who are interested in helping the Academy through its network of committees. Committee appointments are for three-year terms. Please email your recommendations and letters of interest to the attention of President-Elect Hunter Nolen either via email, at JSOlmo@aaees.org or via postal mail to Academy Headquarters * 147 Old Solomons Island Road * Suite 303 * Annapolis, MD 21401, at your earliest convenience. For a list of committees and committee members click here.
2017 Frederick George Pohland Medal
Congratulations to Daniel B. Oerther who has been selected to receive the 2017 Frederick George Pohland Medal from AEESP, the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientist (AAEES), and the Pohland family. This year, the AEESP Awards will be presented at the AAEES Board of Trustees Meeting in San Antonio, Texas on October 20th.
Annual Certification Renewal
Renewal notices for the 2018 Certifications will be mailed to you by the end of the year. We are currently sending out eblasts each month for renewal. Upon receipt, please log into the AAEES Center and complete your renewal as soon as possible. Please be sure to review and update your data under "My Information" no later than December 31, 2017. It is important to get corrections on your Member Data to the Academy to ensure those changes are printed in the 2018 edition of Who's Who in Environmental Engineering and Science. If you need assistance, please contact Joyce Dowen at JDowen@aaees.org.
If you have not renewed for 2017, contact Joyce Dowen at JDowen@aaees.org. If your certification is in arrears 3 or more years, you will have to be reexamined.
2017 Certification Audit Underway
The Certification Audit for 2017 is currently being conducted. Please remember when sending in your amplification form you need supporting documentation for every item that you have taken credit for. This requirement is instrumental to maintaining the credibility of Academy certification in the eyes of the public and peer organizations, and a requirement of for the continued accreditation of the Academy's board certification program by the Council of Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards (CESB).
More is GOOD
- Click this link to download the simple one page nomination form
- Complete the form
- Click on the Submit This Nomination button on the form
- Your default email application will open
- Click on the Continue button
- Click send
Call for Abstracts - NJWEA John J. Lagrosa 103rd Annual Conference
Be a part of the outstanding technical program and showcase your environmental contributions at NJWEA's Annual Conference. Submit an abstract for consideration to present in Atlantic City at the Association's 103rd Annual Conference. The NJWEA is soliciting abstracts on water quality topics of interest to our community. Abstracts are due by October 31, 2017. For additional information and submittal forms, go to: https://www.njwea.org/call-abstracts-njwea-john-j-lagrosa-103rd-conference.
Texas Water Development Board Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
We have been approached by the TWDB for assistance in finding an engineering services provider for a pilot initiative. Please see the item below and respond to the TWDB with indications of your interest as instructed.
The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) has posted a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) with the Texas Register soliciting contractors for engineering services to assist with a pilot initiative. The initiative will assist smaller water and wastewater utilities by providing funding to create a comprehensive plan for managing systems in a financially and technically sustainable manner.
The selected contractors will be responsible for engineering services for evaluating smaller systems and creating asset management plans and other management tools. The asset management plans will provide a planning basis for system sustainability within smaller water and wastewater utilities. The plans will identify replacement dates and estimated costs, develop best practices for operation and maintenance, and develop associated financial plans for obtaining financial assistance.
Responses are due November 2, 2017 by 2:00 PM.
To access the RFQ, please visit the TWDB homepage: http://www.twdb.texas.gov/ and click the link under hot topics or visit: http://esbd.cpa.state.tx.us/bid_show.cfm?bidid=144239. For more detailed information on the pilot program, please visit: http://www.twdb.texas.gov/board/2017/07/Board/Brd12.pdf?d=18230.325.
AAEES Activities
Elevate Your Visibility Today Through the Academy
It's easy and free to host an Academy Workshop or Seminar in your locale - If you would like to learn more, please email Workshops and Seminars Chair, Sharon Yin, syin@ocsd.com, and copy JSOlmo@aaees.org. Be sure to give an approximate date and suggested topic (if any), possible speakers, and possible location. For three easy steps to hosting an event, click here.
October 17, 2017 - FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Physics-Based Management Optimization (PBMO™) Technology Presentation. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.
October 19, 2017 - AAEES Technical Conference: Protecting Our Precious Resource – Texas Water, San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas. The American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists (AAEES) will be hosting a one-day technical conference in San Antonio, Texas in conjunction with the Academy's Board of Trustees Meeting the following day. The selected speakers represent the "Best of the Best" professionals. Register online now at http://bit.ly/2017TXConference.
October 25, 2017 - FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Groundwater Reliability Improvement Project (GRIP). 12 noon EST. Click here to register.
November 14, 2017 - FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Innovative Approach for Implementing Performance – Based Remediation at Fort Ord, Presentation. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.
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