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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Highpoints | Volume 33, No. 2 -- February 2017

2017 Environmental Communications Awards

We all know how important communicating complex and challenging issues to stakeholders and partners can be. Effectively communicating with the public at large and other constituents is equally as important. With this in mind, AAEES is inviting you to enter this important competition. In cooperation with the International Water Association and the PIA Awards, the Academy is proud to offer this area of competition and invites consulting firms and municipalities alike to enter. The winner will be announced at the Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Awards Luncheon & Conference. The winner will also qualify to enter the IWA's International competition in the North American section.

Entry guidelines, submission forms, and previous winning entries available at http://www.aaees.org/environmentalcommunicationsawards.php. Entries must be uploaded by March 1, 2017. Submit your reservation form today to receive your secured link and uploading instructions.

2017 IWA Project Innovation Awards

The IWA Project Innovation Awards (PIA) aims to highlight innovative water and wastewater engineering projects around the world, thus bringing recognition to these projects as models of engineering excellence and spreading the knowledge of water and wastewater science and management. The awards span six categories: Applied Research, Planning, Design, Small Projects, Operations/Management, and Marketing and Communication. All 2017 and 2018 E3S award winners will be invited to submit their projects online via the IWA PIA website http://www.iwa-network.org. More details forthcoming.

2017 Environmental Engineering and Science Resource Guidebook - Sign Up for Your Listing

The Academy invites you to sign up for a listing in the 2017 Environmental Engineering and Science Resource Guidebook. We are releasing the Guidebook in both electronic and print format to make this year's edition easier to use and easier to distribute to individuals and organizations looking to connect with environmental specialists. We are expanding the content that each listing receives - enabling web links in the e-version and providing more room to post information on your specialties in both versions. We expect to print and distribute the new publication more widely than we have in the past, with a special focus on outreach at the trade events and conferences we attend during the year. We are also planning an expanded role for the Guidebook in making federal, state, and local agencies aware of the capabilities of our members in helping deal with current environmental engineering needs.

Ask your organization to reserve its space by March 31, 2017. It's great exposure for a low cost. For details, email JSOlmo@aaees.org. To download the reservation form, please go to http://www.aaees.org/downloadcenter/ResourceGuidebookReservationForm.doc.

2017 Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Awards Luncheon and Conference

The Academy's Awards Luncheon and Conference will be held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, April 13, 2017. The winners of the Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science and the Environmental Communications will be announced.

Did you miss our latest webinar?

If you were unable to attend our live webinar last week, we will have the recording on our website soon. If you would like to be emailed when the recording link is available, please email Marisa Waterman at MWaterman@aaees.org.

Webinar Summary: Leadership in Environmental Engineering

Dr. Domenico Grasso, P.E., BCEE, University of Delaware Provost, and Kristin (Kris) Morico, P.E., BCEE, Global Leader-Environmental Programs for GE discussed their diverse journeys as career environmental engineering professionals and the many opportunities they had and challenges they faced. Both speakers underscored the importance of building social and technical competencies, seeking mentoring, and the maintenance of career-long professional networks. We had a diverse audience of graduate and undergraduate students as well as early to mid-career environmental professionals. Many thanks to Dr. Grasso and Ms. Morico! Stay tuned for upcoming webinars.

2016 Certification Audit Underway

The 2016 Specialty Certification Audit is being completed. If you have not submitted your Annual Professional Development Credit Reporting Form and supporting documentation, please do it now or you risk your certification being transferred to Inactive.

Annual Certification Renewal for 2017

Your 2017 Specialty Certification expired on December 31, 2016. You can renew online at:


If you are a Life member, you still have to renew even though you do not pay a fee.

Distinguished Engineers to be Recognized

The Academy will recognize distinguished environmental engineers and professionals at its Awards Luncheon to be held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, April 13, 2017:

  • Gordon Maskew Fair Award: Stephen Hickox, P.E., BCEE
  • Edward J. Cleary Award: Sudhir Murthy, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE
  • Stanley E. Kappe Award: Merlyn Hough, P.E., BCEE
  • Brewster Snow Award: TBD
  • Honorary Member Award: George Hawkins
  • International Honorary Member Award: Marcos von Sperling and Eran Friedler
  • Wesley Eckenfelder Graduate Student Research Award: TBD
  • Excellence in Environmental Engineering Education Award: TBD
  • Innovyze Excellence in Computational Hydraulics/Hydrology Award: TBD

The AAEES Keynote Speaker for the Awards Luncheon will be announced very soon.

AAEES Activities

Elevate Your Visibility Today Through the Academy

It's easy and free to host an Academy Workshop or Seminar in your locale. - If you would like to learn more, please email Workshops and Seminars Chair, Sharon Yin at syin@ocsd.com and copy JSOlmo@aaees.org. Be sure to give an approximate date and suggested topic (if any), possible speakers, and possible location. For three easy steps to hosting an event, click here.

April 13, 2017, AAEES E3S Awards Luncheon and Conference, National Press Club, Washington, DC. Additional details forthcoming. Register online now at http://bit.ly/2017AAEESAwards or click here to download the Reservation Form.

May 8, 2017, AAEES's 9th Annual Breakfast at NJWEA's Conference, Atlantic City, NJ. For registration or exhibitor information, visit http://www.njwea.org.

May 9, 2017, AAEES's 8th Annual Workshop (with TCHs, PDHs and CEUs); includes breakfast and/or lunch at NJWEA's Conference, Atlantic City, NJ. For registration or exhibitor information, visit http://www.njwea.org.

June 5 - 8, 2017, AWMA's 110th Annual Conference & Exhibition (ACE), Pittsburgh, PA. Click here to register.

June 11 - 14, 2017, AWWA ACE17 Conference: Philadelphia, PA. Click here to register.

June 14, 2017, AAEES/AIDIS/AWWA Luncheon Presentation 12:30 - 2:00 pm at the Philadelphia Marriott. Click here to register.

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