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Friday, December 15, 2017

Highpoints | Volume 33, No. 12 -- December 2017

Season's Greetings!!

The leaders and staff of the Academy extend sincere wishes for Happy Holidays and a prosperous 2018 to all members and their families and friends. Thank you for your commitment to the Academy.

2018 Excellence in Environmental Engineering & Science

It's time to begin planning your entries for the E3S Competition for 2018. The deadline to submit entries is February 1, 2018. The submission process is entirely electronic, allowing you to submit your completed entry directly online. Judging is also conducted electronically with an unlimited geographic representation of judges. Entering the E3S competition is a prerequisite for entering the North American category of the IWA PIA Awards.

For entry details, go to http://www.aaees.org/e3scompetition/.

2018 Environmental Engineering and Science Resource Guidebook - Sign Up for Your Listing

The Academy invites you to sign up for a listing in the 2018 Environmental Engineering and Science Resource Guidebook. The Guidebook is released in both electronic and print format to make each year's edition easier to use and easier to distribute to individuals and organizations looking to connect with environmental specialists. We are expanding the content that each listing receives – enabling web links in the e-version and providing more room to post information on your specialties in both versions. We expect to print and distribute the new publication more widely than we have in the past, with a special focus on outreach at the trade events and conferences we attend during the year. We are also planning an expanded role for the Guidebook in making federal, state, and local agencies aware of the capabilities of our members in helping deal with current environmental engineering needs.

Ask your organization to reserve its space by March 15, 2018. It's great exposure for a low cost. For details, email JSOlmo@aaees.org. To download the reservation form, click here.

Annual Certification Renewal

Hard copies of the notices for the 2018 Certifications are in the mail for those who still have not renewed. You may renew using the hard copy renewal or online at https://netforum.avectra.com/eWeb/StartPage.aspx?Site=AAEES. Upon receipt, please log into the AAEES Center and complete your renewal as soon as possible. Please be sure to review and update your data under "My Information" no later than December 31, 2017. It is important to get corrections on your Member Data to the Academy to ensure those changes are printed in the 2018 edition of Who's Who in Environmental Engineering and Science. If you need assistance, please contact Joyce Dowen at JDowen@aaees.org.

If you still have not renewed for 2017, contact Joyce Dowen at JDowen@aaees.org. If your certification is in arrears 3 or more years you will have to be re-examined.

'Tis the Season

Yes, it is the holiday season with all the special moments it brings as we gather with friends and family to celebrate and reflect on the events of the past year.

It's also another type of season -- the beginning of tax season. While nowhere near as enjoyable as the holiday festivities, taking care of tax matters now can pay significant benefits for this tax year. The value of those benefits can be compounded into even larger amounts in the future with careful and informed planning.

Have you ever considered making the Academy an element of your personal tax strategy? Were you aware that the Academy established the Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation to serve as a mechanism by which Academy members can make tax deductible contributions to jointly support the practice of environmental engineering and science?

We can accept individual donations on a one-time basis. We also created what is known as a planned giving program. This mirrors the kinds of things that you see on public television where we can enable people to create and implement a structured giving program of a few dollars per month for the entire year. Please take a look at our description of the program on the Foundation's website at http://www.eesfoundation.org/plannedgiving/. Please consider making a donation.

Clearly, we can't tell you the whole story in this limited amount of space. But we can assure you that the program is designed to have significant benefits for our donors and for the Academy.

Feel free to give us a call to find out more. We would be delighted to hear from you.

2017 Certification Audit Underway

Each person audited is being asked to supply the Recertification Committee with documentation substantiating at least 40 Professional Development Hours. The PDHs are acquired by continuing professional development activities during calendar years January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016 to ensure compliance with the continuing professional development requirements for Active and Life Active specialty certification. Those who were audited within the past 10 years are exempt from the current cycle. If you have any questions, please let Joyce Dowen know at JDowen@aaees.org.

It's Simple - Refer a Friend to Apply for Board Certification

Submit a Nomination
  1. Click this link to download the simple one page nomination form
  2. Complete the form
  3. Click on the Submit This Nomination button on the form
  4. Your default email application will open
  5. Click on the Continue button
  6. Click send

Student Chapter Corner


Check out our AAEES student chapter leaders at Texas A&M University – Kingsville. Notice they are sporting their AAEES T-shirts! President - Andrew Medrano, and Vice President - Jose Soria. Thank you for your continued support!

For more Student Chapter News, go to http://www.aaees.org/studentchapters/.

Membership Corner

If you are a Life Member you need to renew every year to answer the questions concerning your certification. If you need a renewal form please contact Joyce Dowen at JDowen@aaees.org or renew online at http://www.aaees.org/members/specialtycertificationrenewal.php.

2018 Environmental Communications Awards

Entries are now being accepted for the 2018 EComm Awards. We all know how important it is to communicate complex and challenging issues to the public at large and other constituents. With this in mind, AAEES is inviting you to enter this important competition. Entering is easy and the submission process is done entirely online. The winner will also qualify to enter the IWA's International competition in the North American section. The deadline to submit your entry is March 1, 2018.

For more information, entry guidelines, and submission forms, go to http://www.aaees.org/ecommcompetition/.

2018 AAEES Kappe Lecturer

The 2018 Kappe Lecturer is Mark J. Rood, Ph.D., BCEEM, FAEESP, FAWMA, Ivan Racheff Professor of Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He will be visiting university campuses during the 2018 fall semester. The objective of the Kappe Lecture Series is to share the knowledge of today's practitioners with tomorrow's engineers and scientists.

For abstracts of the lectures he has prepared and for additional information, go to http://www.aaees.org/kappelectureseries/. The reservation deadline is February 1, 2018. Schools will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis, so submit your requests as soon as possible.

Funding Available for Environmental Research and Development

The Department of Defense's (DoD) Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) is seeking to fund environmental research and development proposals. SERDP is DoD's environmental science and technology program, planned and executed in partnership with the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, with participation by numerous other Federal and non-Federal organizations. The Program invests across the broad spectrum of basic and applied research, as well as advanced development.

Proposals responding to focused Statements of Need (SONs) in the following areas are requested:

  • Environmental Restoration - Research and technologies for the characterization, risk assessment, remediation, and management of contaminants in soil, sediments, and water.
  • Munitions Response - Technologies for the detection, classification, and remediation of military munitions on U.S. lands and waters.
  • Resource Conservation and Resiliency - Supports the development of the science, technologies, and methods needed to manage DoD's installation infrastructure in a sustainable way.
  • Weapons Systems and Platforms - Research and technologies to reduce, control, and understand the sources of waste and emissions in the manufacturing, maintenance, and use of weapons systems and platforms.

Proposals responding to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 SONs will be selected through a competitive process. Separate solicitations are available to Federal and non-Federal proposers. The SONs and detailed instructions are available on the SERDP website.

The Core SERDP Solicitation provides funding in varying amounts for multi-year projects. All Core Solicitation pre-proposals are due to SERDP January 4, 2018 by 2:00 p.m. ET.

SERDP also will be funding environmental research and development through the SERDP Exploratory Development (SEED) Solicitation. The SEED Solicitation is designed to provide a limited amount of funding (not to exceed $200,000) for projects up to approximately one year in duration to investigate innovative approaches that entail high technical risk or require supporting data to provide proof of concept. This year, SERDP is requesting SEED proposals for the Munitions Response program area. The SONs and detailed instructions are available on the SERDP website. All SEED proposals are due March 6, 2018 by 2:00 p.m. ET.

AAEES Website Update

The structure and content of http://www.aaees.org has been updated and reorganized. Some of the new sections are still under development. Sections of the website are listed below. If you are having trouble locating information, please use the search bar or email Yolanda at YMoulden@aaees.org for assistance.

Topic/URL Description

AAEES Awards

Critieria and past recipients of the Individual Annual AAEES Awards.

AAEES Center

Information and instructions for using the AAEES Center, our online store.


History of AAEES

Advertise with AAEES

Information to advertise with AAEES

Assistance for Applicants

Information including the examination schedule

Become a Member

Criteria and information on becoming a Student Member, AAEES Member, or Young Professionals Participant

Become Board Certified

Criteria and information on Board Certification

Careers in Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science

Information on careers in environmental engineering and environmental science

Contact Us

Links to contact AAEES Staff and Leadership

Donators and Sponsors

Annual list of individual and corporate sponsors of AAEES programs

Download Center

List to quickly find forms and other documents.

Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science (E3S) Awards Competition

Criteria and past winners of the Annual E3S Competition

Environmental Communications Awards (EComm) Competition

Criteria and past winners of the Annual EComm Competition


Information on education in environmental engineering and environmental science.


Upcoming AAEES Events

Kappe Lecture Series

Information on the Annual Kappe Lecture Series


Current member news and recruitment materials


Highpoints and other AAEES news

Patrons Program

Information on the AAEES Patrons Program.


Information and links for accessing AAEES Publications

Resource Center

Videos and PDFs of previous AAEES Events.

Student Chapters

Information and news of AAEES Student Chapters

Student Team Award

Information and past winners of the Student Team Award

Tau Chi Alpha

Information and news of Tau Chi Alpha, a National Environmental Engineering Honor Society

Friday, November 17, 2017

Highpoints | Volume 33, No. 11 -- November 2017

2017 Annual Meeting

The 2017 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at the San Antonio Rivercenter Hotel, San Antonio, Texas on October 20, 2017. The meeting included two guest members: James D. Fitzgerald, Trustee-at-Large-Elect and Richard P. Watson, Trustee-at-Large-Elect. Also attending were Burk Kalweit, AAEES Executive Director, Sammi Olmo, Manager Special Projects, Joyce Dowen, Executive Assistant and Yolanda Moulden, Production Manager. Highlights of the meeting appear below:

  • 2018 Individual Award Recipients
    • Stanley E. Kappe Award – Daniel Oerther
    • Edward J. Cleary Award – Karen Pallansch
    • Gordon Maskew Fair Award – Debra Reinhart
    • Honorary Member Award – Rita Rossi Colwell
    • International Honorary Member Award – Steve Burnage
    • Science Award – Joel Burken
  • Approved AAEECB Board
    • Robert Williams, Chair
    • Lamont Curtis, Vice Chair
    • Jeanette Brown
    • Christian Davies-Venn
    • Hunter Nolen
    • Wendy Wert
    • Cecil Lue-Hing
  • Approved AAESCB Board
    • James Mihelcic, Chair
    • James W. Patterson, Vice Chair
    • Michael Kavanaugh
    • Robert Schoenberger
    • James Clarke
    • Brian Flynn
    • Benson Pair

New Officers and Trustees

Congratulations to the 2018 Officers and Trustees who were installed during the Annual Meeting October 19 and take office January 1, 2018: C. Hunter Nolen, President; Kristin Morico, President-Elect; James W. Patterson, Vice President; Dan Oerther, Treasurer; and Robert C. Williams, Past President. Trustees serving their second three-year term are: Fred Ellerbusch, representing APHA. David Vaccari, Trustee-at-Large, Trustees serving their first three-year term, Phillip C. Singer, representing AWWA, James D. Fitzgerald, Trustee-at-Large and Richard P. Watson serving a one-year term as Trustee-at-Large vacated by James W. Patterson.

October 19, 2017 – Technical Conference: Protecting Our Precious Resource – Texas Waters

The Conference was a success with over 55 attendees at the San Antonio Rivercenter Hotel, San Antonio, Texas. Thank you to all of our participating speakers: Robert R. Puente, Nancy Pappas, Danny D. Reible, P.E., BCEE, David R. Jackson, P.E., BCEE, Dan Mueller, Christopher Ashcraft, Pete Spicer, Suzanne Scott and Kathleen Jackson. A special thanks goes to Robert Williams for all his work in organizing the Conference and working with our speakers to make the conference a unique event. PDFs of the presentations are online at: http://www.aaees.org/aaeespresentations-2017technicalconference-sanantonio.php.

2018 Excellence in Environmental Engineering & Science

Entries are now being accepted for the 2018 E3S Competition. Entering is easy and the submission process is done entirely online. Judging is also conducted electronically with an unlimited geographic representation of judges. Entering the E3S competition is a prerequisite for entering the North American category of the IWA PIA Awards. The deadline to submit your entry is February 1, 2018.

For more information, entry guidelines, and submission forms, go to http://www.aaees.org/e3scompetition.php.

Annual Certification Renewal

Renewal notices for the 2018 Certifications will be mailed to you by the end of the year. We are currently sending out email blasts each month for renewal. Upon receipt, please log into the AAEES Center and complete your renewal as soon as possible. Please be sure to review and update your data under "My Information" no later than December 31, 2017. It is important to get corrections on your Member Data to the Academy to ensure those changes are printed in the 2018 edition of Who's Who in Environmental Engineering and Science. If you need assistance, please contact Joyce Dowen at JDowen@aaees.org.

If you have not renewed for 2017, contact Joyce Dowen at JDowen@aaees.org. If your certification is in arrears 3 or more years you will have to be re-examined.

2017 Certification Audit Underway

Each person audited is being asked to supply the Recertification Committee with documentation substantiating at least 40 Professional Development Hours. The PDHs are acquired by continuing professional development activities during calendar years January 1, 2015, through December 31, 2016, to ensure compliance with the continuing professional development requirements for Active and Life Active specialty certification. Those who were audited within the past 10 years are exempt from the current cycle. If you have any questions, please let Joyce Dowen know at JDowen@aaees.org.

It's Simple - Refer a Friend to Apply for Board Certification

Submit a Nomination
  1. Click this link to download the simple one page nomination form
  2. Complete the form
  3. Click on the Submit This Nomination button on the form
  4. Your default email application will open
  5. Click on the Continue button
  6. Click send

Membership Corner

An email blast went out to all members in November about their 2018 Specialty Certification Renewal. If you are a Life Member, you need to renew every year to answer the questions concerning your certification. If you need a renewal form, please contact Joyce Dowen at JDowen@aaees.org or renew online at http://www.aaees.org/members-specialtycertificationrenewal.php.

2018 Environmental Communications Awards

Entries are now being accepted for the 2018 EComm Awards. We all know how important it is to communicate complex and challenging issues to the public at large and other constituents. With this in mind, AAEES is inviting you to enter this important competition. Entering is easy and the submission process is done entirely online. The winner will also qualify to enter the IWA's International competition in the North American section. The deadline to submit your entry is March 1, 2018.

For more information, entry guidelines, and submission forms, go to http://www.aaees.org/environmentalcommunicationsawards.php.

2018 AAEES Kappe Lecturer

The 2018 Kappe Lecturer is Mark J. Rood, Ph.D., BCEEM, FAEESP, FAWMA, Ivan Racheff Professor of Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He will be visiting university campuses during the 2018 fall semester. The objective of the Kappe Lecture Series is to share the knowledge of today's practitioners with tomorrow's engineers and scientists.

For abstracts of the lectures he has prepared and for additional information, go to http://www.aaees.org/kappelecturer.php. The reservation deadline is February 1, 2018. Schools will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis, so submit your requests as soon as possible.

Funding Available for Environmental Research and Development

The Department of Defense's (DoD) Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) is seeking to fund environmental research and development proposals. SERDP is DoD's environmental science and technology program, planned and executed in partnership with the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, with participation by numerous other Federal and non-Federal organizations. The Program invests across the broad spectrum of basic and applied research, as well as advanced development.

Proposals responding to focused Statements of Need (SONs) in the following areas are requested:

  • Environmental Restoration - Research and technologies for the characterization, risk assessment, remediation, and management of contaminants in soil, sediments, and water.
  • Munitions Response - Technologies for the detection, classification, and remediation of military munitions on U.S. lands and waters.
  • Resource Conservation and Resiliency - Supports the development of the science, technologies, and methods needed to manage DoD's installation infrastructure in a sustainable way.
  • Weapons Systems and Platforms - Research and technologies to reduce, control, and understand the sources of waste and emissions in the manufacturing, maintenance, and use of weapons systems and platforms.

Proposals responding to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 SONs will be selected through a competitive process. Separate solicitations are available to Federal and non-Federal proposers. The SONs and detailed instructions are available on the SERDP website.

The Core SERDP Solicitation provides funding in varying amounts for multi-year projects. All Core Solicitation pre-proposals are due to SERDP January 4, 2018 by 2:00 p.m. ET.

SERDP also will be funding environmental research and development through the SERDP Exploratory Development (SEED) Solicitation. The SEED Solicitation is designed to provide a limited amount of funding (not to exceed $200,000) for projects up to approximately one year in duration to investigate innovative approaches that entail high technical risk or require supporting data to provide proof of concept. This year, SERDP is requesting SEED proposals for the Munitions Response program area. The SONs and detailed instructions are available on the SERDP website. All SEED proposals are due March 6, 2018 by 2:00 p.m. ET.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is pleased to announce that for summer 2018 we will again offer our RISE (Research Internships in Science and Engineering) internship programs: RISE Germany and RISE Professional.

RISE has established itself as an outstanding opportunity to combine serious research with a rewarding study-abroad experience. All three programs are targeted to students from the fields of engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, earth sciences (geology), computer science, and related disciplines.

RISE Germany undergraduates are paired with German PhD students in a unique mentoring partnership to ensure immediate integration into hands on lab work and built-in social network with an excellent opportunity to develop new technical skills. RISE Germany participants receive a scholarship to cover living expenses. To learn more about RISE Germany, please visit: www.daad.de/rise/en/rise-germany/ or email: rise@daad.de.

RISE Professional is designed for Master's and PhD students and alumni of the RISE program who are matched with a well-known German company, where they gain insight into the professional applications of science and engineering and develop practical skills. Internships can last up to three months. This program features a scholarship to cover living expenses. To learn more about RISE Professional, please visit: www.daad.de/rise/en/rise-professional/ or email: rise-pro@daad.de.

The deadline for both programs is December 15th, 2017.

Happy Holidays!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Highpoints | Volume 33, No. 10 -- October 2017

2018 Excellence in Environmental Engineering & Science

It's time to begin planning your entries for the E3S Competition for 2018. The deadline for entries is February 1, 2018. The submission process is entirely electronic, allowing you to submit your completed entry directly online. Judging is also conducted electronically with an unlimited geographic representation of judges. Entering the E3S competition is a prerequisite for entering the North American category of the IWA PIA Awards.

For entry details, click here. For other information, email JSOlmo@aaees.org.

2017 AAEES Annual Board of Trustees Meeting & Technical Conference

The 2017 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees Meeting will be held at the San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, Texas, October 18-20, 2017. President Williams encourages the BOT to arrive early to attend the Welcome Dinner on Wednesday evening, October 18th and the Technical Conference – Protecting Our Precious Resource – Texas Water on Thursday, October 19th.

Seats are still available for the technical conference. Register online now at http://bit.ly/2017TXConference.

The BOT meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. Friday, October 20th. The President's Reception and Installation will be held the evening of Thursday, October 19th.

2018 Committee Appointments

Reminder to Committee Chairs – President-Elect Hunter Nolen is anxious to receive your recommendations for new committee members and/or chairs to replace those whose terms expire in December 2017. The Academy is seeking volunteers who are interested in helping the Academy through its network of committees. Committee appointments are for three-year terms. Please email your recommendations and letters of interest to the attention of President-Elect Hunter Nolen either via email, at JSOlmo@aaees.org or via postal mail to Academy Headquarters * 147 Old Solomons Island Road * Suite 303 * Annapolis, MD 21401, at your earliest convenience. For a list of committees and committee members click here.

2017 Frederick George Pohland Medal

Congratulations to Daniel B. Oerther who has been selected to receive the 2017 Frederick George Pohland Medal from AEESP, the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientist (AAEES), and the Pohland family. This year, the AEESP Awards will be presented at the AAEES Board of Trustees Meeting in San Antonio, Texas on October 20th.

Annual Certification Renewal

Renewal notices for the 2018 Certifications will be mailed to you by the end of the year. We are currently sending out eblasts each month for renewal. Upon receipt, please log into the AAEES Center and complete your renewal as soon as possible. Please be sure to review and update your data under "My Information" no later than December 31, 2017. It is important to get corrections on your Member Data to the Academy to ensure those changes are printed in the 2018 edition of Who's Who in Environmental Engineering and Science. If you need assistance, please contact Joyce Dowen at JDowen@aaees.org.

If you have not renewed for 2017, contact Joyce Dowen at JDowen@aaees.org. If your certification is in arrears 3 or more years, you will have to be reexamined.

2017 Certification Audit Underway

The Certification Audit for 2017 is currently being conducted. Please remember when sending in your amplification form you need supporting documentation for every item that you have taken credit for. This requirement is instrumental to maintaining the credibility of Academy certification in the eyes of the public and peer organizations, and a requirement of for the continued accreditation of the Academy's board certification program by the Council of Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards (CESB).

More is GOOD

Submit a Nomination
  1. Click this link to download the simple one page nomination form
  2. Complete the form
  3. Click on the Submit This Nomination button on the form
  4. Your default email application will open
  5. Click on the Continue button
  6. Click send

Call for Abstracts - NJWEA John J. Lagrosa 103rd Annual Conference

Be a part of the outstanding technical program and showcase your environmental contributions at NJWEA's Annual Conference. Submit an abstract for consideration to present in Atlantic City at the Association's 103rd Annual Conference. The NJWEA is soliciting abstracts on water quality topics of interest to our community. Abstracts are due by October 31, 2017. For additional information and submittal forms, go to: https://www.njwea.org/call-abstracts-njwea-john-j-lagrosa-103rd-conference.

Texas Water Development Board Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

We have been approached by the TWDB for assistance in finding an engineering services provider for a pilot initiative. Please see the item below and respond to the TWDB with indications of your interest as instructed.

The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) has posted a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) with the Texas Register soliciting contractors for engineering services to assist with a pilot initiative. The initiative will assist smaller water and wastewater utilities by providing funding to create a comprehensive plan for managing systems in a financially and technically sustainable manner.

The selected contractors will be responsible for engineering services for evaluating smaller systems and creating asset management plans and other management tools. The asset management plans will provide a planning basis for system sustainability within smaller water and wastewater utilities. The plans will identify replacement dates and estimated costs, develop best practices for operation and maintenance, and develop associated financial plans for obtaining financial assistance.

Responses are due November 2, 2017 by 2:00 PM.

To access the RFQ, please visit the TWDB homepage: http://www.twdb.texas.gov/ and click the link under hot topics or visit: http://esbd.cpa.state.tx.us/bid_show.cfm?bidid=144239. For more detailed information on the pilot program, please visit: http://www.twdb.texas.gov/board/2017/07/Board/Brd12.pdf?d=18230.325.

AAEES Activities

Elevate Your Visibility Today Through the Academy

It's easy and free to host an Academy Workshop or Seminar in your locale - If you would like to learn more, please email Workshops and Seminars Chair, Sharon Yin, syin@ocsd.com, and copy JSOlmo@aaees.org. Be sure to give an approximate date and suggested topic (if any), possible speakers, and possible location. For three easy steps to hosting an event, click here.

October 17, 2017 - FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Physics-Based Management Optimization (PBMO™) Technology Presentation. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

October 19, 2017 - AAEES Technical Conference: Protecting Our Precious Resource – Texas Water, San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas. The American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists (AAEES) will be hosting a one-day technical conference in San Antonio, Texas in conjunction with the Academy's Board of Trustees Meeting the following day. The selected speakers represent the "Best of the Best" professionals. Register online now at http://bit.ly/2017TXConference.

October 25, 2017 - FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Groundwater Reliability Improvement Project (GRIP). 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

November 14, 2017 - FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Innovative Approach for Implementing Performance – Based Remediation at Fort Ord, Presentation. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Highpoints | Volume 33, No. 9 -- September 2017

2017 AAEES Annual Board of Trustees Meeting & Technical Conference

The 2017 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, Texas, October 18-20, 2017. President Williams encourages the BOT to arrive early to attend the Welcome Dinner on Wednesday evening, October 18th and the Technical Conference – Protecting Our Precious Resource – Texas Water on Thursday, October 19th.

The BOT meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. Friday, October 20th. The President's Reception and Installation will be held the evening of Thursday, October 19th. Registration packages were emailed to all Board Members in August. If you have not already done so, please submit your registration forms to Sammi at JSOlmo@aaees.org by September 22, 2017.

New Award Announced for the Prestigious AAEES Awards:
The AAEES Science Award

AAEES is grateful for all of the award nominations that have been submitted for the 2018:

A new award has just been added, the AAEES Science Award.

This award was created to recognize outstanding environmental scientists or environmental engineers in the management of environmental science programs and projects.

The inaugural AAEES Science Award will be presented as part of the annual AAEES Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science (E3S) Awards Luncheon and Conference, which will be held on April 19, 2018, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

Forms for submitting nominations are available at http://www.aaees.org/aaeesawards-criteria.php. Please submit your nominations to Sammi Olmo at JSOlmo@aaees.org.

The closing date to submit nominations for the AAEES Science Award is October 15, 2017.

2018 Committee Appointments

Reminder to Committee Chairs – President-Elect Hunter Nolen is anxious to receive your recommendations for new committee members and/or chairs to replace those whose terms expire in December 2017. The Academy is seeking volunteers who are interested in helping the Academy through its network of committees. Committee appointments are for three-year terms. Please email your recommendations and letters of interest to the attention of President-Elect Hunter Nolen either via email, at JSOlmo@aaees.org or via postal mail to Academy Headquarters * 147 Old Solomons Island Road * Suite 303 * Annapolis, MD 21401, at your earliest convenience. For a list of committees and committee members, click here.

2017 Frederick George Pohland Medal

Congratulations to Daniel B. Oerther who has been selected to receive the 2017 Frederick George Pohland Medal from AEESP, the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientist (AAEES), and the Pohland family. This year, the AEESP Awards will be presented at the AAEES Board of Trustees Meeting in San Antonio, Texas on October 19th.

Call for Abstracts - NJWEA John J. Lagrosa 103rd Annual Conference

Be a part of the outstanding technical program and showcase your environmental contributions at NJWEA's Annual Conference by submitting an abstract for consideration to present in Atlantic City at the Association's 103rd Annual Conference. The NJWEA is soliciting abstracts on water quality topics of interest to our community. Abstracts are due by October 31, 2017. For additional information and submittal forms, go to: https://www.njwea.org/call-abstracts-njwea-john-j-lagrosa-103rd-conference.

2017 IWA Project Innovation Awards

The IWA Project Innovation Awards (PIA) aims to highlight innovative water and wastewater engineering projects around the world, thus bringing recognition to these projects as models of engineering excellence and spreading the knowledge of water and wastewater science and management. The awards span six categories: Applied Research, Planning, Design, Small Projects, Operations/Management, and Marketing and Communication. All 2017 and 2018 E3S award winners are invited to submit their projects online via the IWA PIA website: http://www.iwa-network.org/iwa-project-innovation-awards/. More details forthcoming.

2018 Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Competition and Awards

Give your best projects the broad exposure and global recognition they deserve. Begin planning your entry now. Deadline for entries is February 1, 2018. Participants in the 2018 AAEES E3S will be able to submit completed entries online. Look for details at www.aaees.org.

Electronic Certification Applications Available Year 'round

Who encouraged you to obtain your Certification? Won't you encourage qualified colleagues and associates to submit their applications for specialty certification? The Academy's online application forms make it easy to initiate the process. Don't wait for the last minute to help an associate receive the recognition and prestige that comes with becoming a Board Certified Environmental Engineer, Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member (non-PE), or Board Certified Environmental Scientist. Certification information and applications are available online at www.aaees.org under Membership. When encouraging applicants, be sure to send them the link to the Academy's Value of Board Certification Video below! Just copy and paste this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0Of8-NsLjU into your message.

AAEES on Social Media

Reap the little-known advantages of social media. It's not too late to start. Try visiting, following, subscribing to, and recommending the Academy on all of its newly updated social media networks. Contribute a valuable discussion to the 1900+ subscribers on LinkedIn, join the conversation on Twitter, check out your Academy's exciting events on Facebook, view the most up to date photos on Flickr, and much more! Give it a whirl! You can access all of the Academy's social media networks through the new shortcuts on the AAEES homepage: http://www.aaees.org.


Thirty-eight BCEE/BCEEM/BCESs, chosen at random, have received notices for the 2016 audit. Each person audited is being asked to supply the Recertification Committee with documentation substantiating at least 40 Professional Development Hours. If you work full-time, you automatically receive 24 PDHs which means you only have to report 16 more to reach the required minimum. This can be done by attending seminars, classes, symposiums, exhibits, performing presentations, etc. The PDHs are acquired by continuing professional development activities during calendar years January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016. Please remember the audit packages and supporting documentation were due September 1, 2017.

Membership Corner

Did you know you can always renew online anytime at The AAEES Center at: https://netforum.avectra.com/eWeb/StartPage.aspx?Site=AAEES.

If you need assistance please contact Joyce Dowen at Academy Headquarters at 410-266-3311 or JDowen@aaees.org.

Annual Certification Renewal

Renewal notices for the 2018 Specialty Certifications were emailed earlier this week. Please log in to the AAEES Center at https://netforum.avectra.com/eWeb/StartPage.aspx?Site=AAEES and click on the Renew Now! button to complete your renewal by December 31, 2017. While logged in, please review and update your data under My Information. It is important to get corrections on your Member Data to the Academy to ensure those changes are printed in the 2018 edition of Who's Who in Environmental Engineering and Science. If you need assistance, please contact Joyce Dowen at JDowen@aaees.org.

AAEES Activities

Elevate Your Visibility Today Through the Academy

It's easy and free to host an Academy Workshop or Seminar in your locale - If you would like to learn more, please email Workshops and Seminars Chair, Sharon Yin, syin@ocsd.com, and copy JSOlmo@aaees.org. Be sure to give an approximate date and suggested topic (if any), possible speakers, and possible location. For three easy steps to hosting an event, click here.

September 25-27, 2017 – ISWA World Congress 2017: WASTECON. This is two exciting international events in one location, September 25–27, 2017, in Baltimore, Maryland. Please join us! WASTECON® is the premier industry-focused conference that brings you the latest in industry news, education, advancements and products to help you achieve success in your business. AAEES is exhibiting, so please come see us at booth #109. And we are always looking for volunteers to man our booth, if you have the time. Email Sammi Olmo if you may be interested in volunteering. Remember, working in the Academy's booth can earn you professional development credits to apply towards your certification renewal. Make sure you don't miss this premier solid waste event! Please visit: ISWA2017.org for registration, schedule, and speaker information.

September 27, 2017 - FREE AAEES Live Webinar: The Evolution of STAR from Laboratory Concept to Full-Scale In Situ Implementation. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

October 2, 2017 - AAEES Breakfast at WEFTEC. All are invited! This year's breakfast is at 7:00 am at the McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois. The Keynote Speaker is Dr. Krishna Pagilla P.E., BCEE, Professor and Environmental Engineering Program Director at the University of Nevada, Reno. Dr. Pagilla is an expert and internationally-known leader in the fields of water quality, water resource recovery, water reuse, and environmental biotechnology. Details of his speech to follow. Earn one Academy PDH for attending. Click here to register.

September 30-October 4, 2017 - WEFTEC. AAEES will be exhibiting again at Booth 6534 and volunteers for booth duty are welcome. Click here to sign up as an official Academy booth spokesperson or email Sammi at JSOlmo@aaees.org. Not only will you get a chance to promote the Academy, but you will also find yourself making connections that are made possible only through your participation in the booth. Being there adds to your WEFTEC experience. We look forward to your joining the AAEES WEFTEC team!

October 11, 2017 - FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Novel and Advanced Hybrid Oxidation and Enzymatic Technologies for Trace Environmental Contaminants. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

October 12, 2017 - AAEES Annual West Coast Event. This year's topic is After Decades of Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR); Are We Ready for Next Step, Direct Potable Reuse (DPR). To see the speaker lineup and to register today, go to http://bit.ly/2017WestCoastEvent.

October 12, 2017 - Environmental Symposium: Emerging Issues and Challenges, Hampton Inn & Suites, Cazenovia, New York. There will be six one-hour speeches. It will be a one day environmental symposium with a balance between environmental science and engineering issues with focus on emerging issues. Register online now at http://bit.ly/AAEES2017NYConference.

October 17, 2017 - FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Physics-Based Management Optimization (PBMO™) Technology Presentation. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

October 19, 2017 - AAEES Technical Conference: Protecting Our Precious Resource – Texas Water, San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas. The American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists (AAEES) will be hosting a one-day technical conference in San Antonio, Texas in conjunction with the Academy's Board of Trustees Meeting the following day. The selected speakers represent the "Best of the Best" professionals. Register online now at http://bit.ly/2017TXConference.

November 14, 2017 - FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Innovative Approach for Implementing Performance – Based Remediation at Fort Ord, Presentation. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Highpoints | Volume 33, No. 8 -- August 2017

2017 AAEES Annual Board of Trustees Meeting & Technical Conference

The 2017 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, Texas, October 18-20, 2017. President Williams encourages the BOT to arrive early to attend the Welcome Dinner on Wednesday evening, October 18th and the Technical Conference – Protecting Our Precious Resource – Texas Water on Thursday, October 19th.

The BOT meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. Friday, October 20th. The President's Reception and Installation will be held the evening of Thursday, October 19th.

Registration packages were emailed to the Board of Trustees in August.

2018 Committee Appointments

Reminder to Committee Chairs – President-Elect Hunter Nolen is anxious to receive your recommendations for new committee members and/or chairs to replace those whose terms expire in December 2017. The Academy is seeking volunteers who are interested in helping the Academy through its network of committees. Committee appointments are for three-year terms. Please email your recommendations and letters of interest to the attention of President-Elect Hunter Nolen either via email, at JSOlmo@aaees.org or via postal mail to:

Academy Headquarters
147 Old Solomons Island Road, Suite 303
Annapolis, MD 21401, at your earliest convenience.

For a list of committees and committee members, click here.

Committee Chair Reports - Annual Reports are Due September 15th

The Executive Committee requests that each Committee Chair provide a report describing the committee's accomplishments for the year. Other matters the Committee wishes to bring to the Board's attention should also be included in the Committee Report. To obtain a copy of the Committee Report form, go to http://www.aaees.org/downloadcenter/ReportForm-Committees.doc.

Sponsoring Organization Reports - Annual Reports are Due September 15th

The Executive Committee requests that each SO Liaison provide a report describing achievements in enhancing relations between the two organizations. Reports are needed by September 15th so they may be reviewed by the Executive Committee. To obtain a copy of the Sponsoring Organization Report form, go to http://www.aaees.org/downloadcenter/ReportForm-SponsoringOrganizations.doc.

2018 Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Competition and Awards

Give your best projects the broad exposure and global recognition they deserve. Begin planning your entry now. Deadline for entries is February 1, 2018. Participants in the 2018 AAEES E3S will be able to submit completed entries online. Look for details at http://www.aaees.org/e3scompetition.php.

Thank you for all of your AAEES Awards Nominations

The Academy is grateful for all of the wonderful nominations that have been submitted for the 2018 AAEES Awards. We are carefully combing through all of the submissions for the following categories:

  • Gordon Maskew Fair Award for substantial contributions to the environmental engineering and science profession
  • Edward J. Cleary Award for outstanding management of environmental protection enterprises
  • Stanley E. Kappe Award for outstanding service to the Academy and advancement of public awareness
  • Honorary Member for professional eminence and achievements
  • International Honorary Member for professional eminence and achievements

2017 Frederick George Pohland Medal

Congratulations to Daniel B. Oerther who has been selected to receive the 2017 Frederick George Pohland Medal from AEESP, the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientist (AAEES), and the Pohland family. This year the AEESP Awards will be presented at the AAEES Board of Trustees Meeting in San Antonio, Texas on October 19th.

2017 IWA Project Innovation Awards

The IWA Project Innovation Awards (PIA) aims to highlight innovative water and wastewater engineering projects around the world, thus bringing recognition to these projects as models of engineering excellence and spreading the knowledge of water and wastewater science and management. The awards span six categories: Applied Research, Planning, Design, Small Projects, Operations/Management, and Marketing and Communication. All 2017 and 2018 E3S award winners are invited to submit their projects online via the IWA PIA website at http://www.iwa-network.org/iwa-project-innovation-awards/. More details forthcoming.

Electronic Certification Applications Available Year 'round

Who encouraged you to obtain your Certification? Won't you encourage qualified colleagues and associates to submit their applications for specialty certification? The Academy's online application forms make it easy to initiate the process. Don't wait for the last minute to help an associate receive the recognition and prestige that comes with becoming a Board Certified Environmental Engineer, Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member (non-PE), or Board Certified Environmental Scientist. Certification information and applications are available online at www.aaees.org under Membership. When encouraging applicants, be sure to send them the link to the Academy's "Value of Certification Video" below! Just copy and paste this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0Of8-NsLjU into your message.

More is GOOD

Submit a Nomination Button
  1. Click on Submit a Nomination to download the simple, one page form
  2. Complete the form
  3. Click on Submit a Nomination button in the pdf to email the form to Joyce at JDowen@aaees.org

Are you making huge waves in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)?

Now is your chance to be recognized. We would like to announce the first ever award show that will honor young STEM students and educators from around the country. The FabLab Science & Innovation Awards show, which will be live-streamed around the world on November 18th in Los Angeles, will recognize the brightest rising stars in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Nominations for these awards are in full swing right now!

Dream Big Innovative Educator Award

Nominations will be accepted from students, parents, educator peers, community organizations, business partners, and non-profit leaders. Nominators should explain how the educator has made a lasting impact on the student's education, their desire to pursue a STEM career and/or how the nominee has made a difference in the STEM field. Click here to view the nomination form. All submissions should be submitted online by October 13, 2017. If you have any questions, please contact Cassandra Watson at DreamBig@bechtel.com.

Manufacturing USA Awards (two categories)

Manufacturing USA Champion Award:
Manufacturing USA wants to honor educators or mentors who are champions for manufacturing innovation. The "Champion" award recognizes teachers, employees, and advisors throughout the country who demonstrate to young people what it means to "make". Nominations are open for individuals or teams fostering manufacturing skills and innovation in their communities.

Manufacturing USA Student Award:
Manufacturing USA wants to honor the best and brightest minds by recognizing innovation and excellence in manufacturing. Award submissions can be advanced manufacturing technologies like those supported by Manufacturing USA, or in other manufacturing areas. Nominations are open to students of any age currently enrolled in grades 6-12, an accredited technical school, community or junior college, four-year college, or university at either the undergraduate or graduate level.

Both applications for Manufacturing USA are due by September 15, 2017. Applicants can email Fablabnominiations@gmail.com to request the forms.

AAEES on Social Media

Reap the little-known advantages of social media. It's not too late to start. Try visiting, following, subscribing to, and recommending the Academy on all of its newly updated social media networks. Contribute a valuable discussion to the 1900+ subscribers on LinkedIn, join the conversation on Twitter, check out your Academy's exciting events on Facebook, view the most up to date photos on Flickr, and much more! Give it a whirl! You can access all of the Academy's social media networks through the new shortcuts on the AAEES homepage: http://www.aaees.org.


We have started the audit for the 2017 cycle. We have 41 members that are being audited and almost half have submitted their documentation!

Membership Corner

If you have not renewed your 2017 Specialty Certification it is considered lapsed and you should not be using the credential. The 2018 Specialty Certification eblast will be sent out sometime next month.

Staff Summer Hours

Staff summer hours began Memorial Day Weekend. The office closes Fridays at 12:00 p.m. Normal business hours resume following Labor Day Weekend. You may leave a message for any staff person by calling 410.266.3311 and listening for the appropriate extension, or send an email by clicking here.

Is Your Marketing Director Signed On?

The Academy is creating a contact list of marketing directors to improve awareness of Academy members and stakeholders and their significant achievements in environmental engineering and science. Ask your marketing director to sign up for information by visiting AAEES.org, or clicking on this link.

AAEES Activities

Elevate Your Visibility Today Through the Academy

It's easy and free to host an Academy Workshop or Seminar in your locale - If you would like to learn more, please email Sammi Olmo at JSOlmo@aaees.org. Be sure to give an approximate date and suggested topic (if any), possible speakers, and possible location. For three easy steps to hosting an event, click here.

August 30, 2017, FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Plant No. 5 Battery Storage – Operations Management Part 2 & 3. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

September 14, 2017, FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Novel and Advanced Hybrid Oxidation and Enzymatic Technologies for Emerging Trace Environmental Contaminants. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

September 27, 2017, FREE AAEES Live Webinar: The Evolution of STAR from Laboratory Concept to Full-Scale In Situ Implementation. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

October 2, 2017 - AAEES Breakfast at WEFTEC. All are invited! This year's breakfast is at 7:00 am at the McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois. The Keynote Speaker is Dr. Krishna Pagilla P.E., BCEE, Professor and Environmental Engineering Program Director at the University of Nevada, Reno. Dr. Pagilla is an expert and internationally-known leader in the fields of water quality, water resource recovery, water reuse, and environmental biotechnology. Details of his speech to follow. Earn one Academy PDH for attending. Click here to register.

September 30-October 4, 2017 – WEFTEC – AAEES will be exhibiting again at Booth 6534 and volunteers for booth duty are welcome. Click here to sign up as an official Academy booth spokesperson or email Sammi at JSOlmo@aaees.org. Not only will you get a chance to promote the Academy, but you will also find yourself making connections that are made possible only through your participation in the booth. Being there adds to your WEFTEC experience. We look forward to your joining the AAEES WEFTEC team!

October 12, 2017 - AAEES Annual West Coast Event. This year's topic is After Decades of Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR); Are We Ready for Next Step, Direct Potable Reuse (DPR). To see the speaker lineup and to register today, click here.

October 12, 2017, Environmental Symposium, Hampton Inn & Suites, Cazenovia, New York. There will be six one-hour speeches. It will be a one day environmental symposium with a balance between environmental science and engineering issues with focus on emerging issues. For information, contact Howard LaFever at howard.lafever@ghd.com.

October 19, 2017, AAEES Technical Conference: Protecting Our Precious Resource – Texas Water, San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas. The American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists (AAEES) will be hosting a one-day technical conference in San Antonio, Texas in conjunction with the Academy's Board of Trustees Meeting the following day. The selected speakers represent the "Best of the Best" professionals. Register online now at http://bit.ly/2017TXConference.

November 14, 2017, FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Innovative Approach for Implementing Performance –Based Remediation at Fort Ord, Presentation. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Highpoints | Volume 33, No. 7 -- July 2017

2017 AAEES Annual Board of Trustees Meeting & Technical Conference

The 2017 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, Texas, October 18-20, 2017. President Williams encourages the BOT to arrive early to attend the Welcome Dinner on Wednesday evening, October 18 and the Technical Conference - Protecting Our Precious Resource - Texas Water on Thursday, October 19.

The BOT meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. Friday, October 20. The President's Reception and Installation will be held the evening of Thursday, October 19. More details to follow next month.

2017 Election

Unofficial winners in the election of 2018 Officers and Trustees include:

  • Kristin Morico - President-Elect
  • James W. Patterson - Vice President
  • James D. Fitzgerald - Trustee-at-Large
  • David A. Vaccari - Trustee-at-Large
  • Richard P. Watson - Trustee-at-Large

Confirmation of their election will take place at the 2017 Annual Meeting. They will be installed October 19, 2017, along with the new Board of Trustees. Their official terms start January 1, 2018.

Leaving the Board December 31, are Howard B. LaFever, Past President, Merlyn L. Hough, representing A&WMA, Fred Ellerbusch, representing APHA, Issam N. Najm, representing AWWA, and Lilia A. Abron, Trustee-at-Large.

2018 Committee Appointments

Reminder to Committee Chairs - President-Elect Hunter Nolen is anxious to receive your recommendations for new committee members and/or chairs to replace those whose terms expire in December 2017. The Academy is seeking volunteers who are interested in helping the Academy through its network of committees. Committee appointments are for three-year terms. Please email your recommendations and letters of interest to the attention of President-Elect Hunter Nolen either via email, at JSOlmo@aaees.org or via postal mail to Academy Headquarters * 147 Old Solomons Island Road* Suite 303 * Annapolis, MD 21401, at your earliest convenience. For a list of committees and committee members, click here.

Committee Chair Reports - Annual Reports are Due September 1st

The Executive Committee requests that each Committee Chair provide a report describing the committee's accomplishments for the year. Other matters the Committee wishes to bring to the Board's attention should also be included in the Committee Report. To obtain a copy of the Committee Report form, go to http://www.aaees.org/downloadcenter/ReportForm-Committees.doc.

Sponsoring Organization Reports - Annual Reports are Due September 1st

The Executive Committee requests that each SO Liaison provide a report describing achievements in enhancing relations between the two organizations. Reports are needed by September 1 so they may be reviewed by the Executive Committee. To obtain a copy of the Sponsoring Organization Report form, go to http://www.aaees.org/downloadcenter/ReportForm-SponsoringOrganizations.doc.

Nominations Open for Prestigious AAEES Awards

Who, in your opinion, deserves recognition for their professional achievements? Each year at the Awards Luncheon the Academy honors top environmental engineers and scientists. The individual awards include:

Forms for submitting nominations are available at http://www.aaees.org/aaeesawards-criteria.php. Please submit your nominations at Sammi Olmo at JSOlmo@aaees.org no later than August 1, 2017.

Free Webinars

If you missed one of our webinars but would like to see them, here are the recording links to several past webinars. For a list of upcoming webinars please see "AAEES Activities" at the end of this newsletter. Enjoy!

  • Orange County Groundwater Replenishment System Initial Expansion

  • Leadership in Environmental Engineering "A Tale of Two Journeys"

  • State-of-the-Art Nitrogen Upgrade to Protect our Waters
    PLAY RECORDING NOW (the video on this presentation starts after the 8 minute mark so you may want to fast forward to that point)

  • Robert W. Hite Treatment Facility South Secondary Improvements Project

  • Improved Water Quality in Ixcan Guatemala

More is GOOD

Submit a Nomination Button
  1. Click on the simple one page nomination form to download the form
  2. Complete the form
  3. Click on Submit a Nomination button to email the form to Joyce at JDowen@aaees.org

AAEES on Social Media

Reap the little-known advantages of social media. It's not too late to start. Try visiting, following, subscribing to, and recommending the Academy on all of its newly updated social media networks. Contribute a valuable discussion to the 1900+ subscribers on LinkedIn, join the conversation on Twitter, check out your Academy's exciting events on Facebook, view the most up to date photos on Flickr, and much more! Give it a whirl! You can access all of the Academy's social media networks through the new shortcuts on the AAEES homepage: http://www.aaees.org.


The Recertification Audit for 2017 has started and some members have already submitted their information. Please remember, when submitting the Annual Professional Development Credit Reporting Form, you need supporting documentation to substantiate the PDHs that you indicated on the form. You can also submit the information by email to JDowen@aaees.org. If you have any questions about the submittal process, please contact Joyce Dowen at 410-266-3311.

Membership Corner

If you have not renewed your certification by March 31st, it is considered expired! Please contact Joyce Dowen at Academy Headquarters at 410-266-3311 or JDowen@aaees.org. Please give us a call and we will handle your renewal over the telephone! Did you know you can always renew online anytime at The AAEES Center at: https://netforum.avectra.com/eWeb/StartPage.aspx?Site=AAEES. The 2018 Specialty Certification Renewals will be sent out by email in September.

Staff Summer Hours

Staff summer hours began Memorial Day Weekend. The office closes Fridays at 12:00 p.m. Normal business hours resume following Labor Day Weekend. You may leave a message for any staff person by calling 410.266.3311 and listening for the appropriate extension, or send an email by clicking here.

Is Your Marketing Director Signed On?

The Academy is creating a contact list of marketing directors to improve awareness of Academy members and stakeholders and their significant achievements in environmental engineering and science. Ask your marketing director to sign up for information by visiting AAEES.org, or clicking on this link.

2017 IWA Project Innovation Awards

The IWA Project Innovation Awards (PIA) aims to highlight innovative water and wastewater engineering projects around the world, thus bringing recognition to these projects as models of engineering excellence and spreading the knowledge of water and wastewater science and management. The awards span six categories: Applied Research, Planning, Design, Small Projects, Operations/Management, and Marketing and Communication. All 2017 and 2018 E3S award winners are invited to submit their projects online via the IWA PIA website http://www.iwa-network.org/iwa-project-innovation-awards/. More details forthcoming.

AAEES Activities


It's easy and free to host an Academy Workshop or Seminar in your locale - If you would like to learn more, please email Sammi Olmo at JSOlmo@aaees.org. Be sure to give an approximate date and suggested topic (if any), possible speakers, and possible location. For three easy steps to hosting an event, click here.

July 20, 2017, FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Regional Water Recycling Plan No. 5 Battery Storage: Part 1 - Planning for Sustainability. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

August 15, 2017, FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Physics‐Based Management Optimization (PBMO™) Technology Presentation. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

August 30, 2017, FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Plant No. 5 Battery Storage - Operations Management Part 2 & 3. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

September 14, 2017, FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Novel and Advanced Hybrid Oxidation and Enzymatic Technologies for Emerging Trace Environmental Contaminants. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

September 27, 2017, FREE AAEES Live Webinar: The Evolution of STAR from Laboratory Concept to Full-Scale In Situ Implementation. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

October 2, 2017 - AAEES Breakfast at WEFTEC. All are invited! This year's breakfast is at 7:00 am at the McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois. The Keynote Speaker is Dr. Krishna Pagilla P.E., BCEE, Professor and Environmental Engineering Program Director at the University of Nevada, Reno. Dr. Pagilla is an expert and internationally-known leader in the fields of water quality, water resource recovery, water reuse, and environmental biotechnology. Details of his speech to follow. Earn one Academy PDH for attending. Click here to register.

September 30-October 4, 2017 - WEFTEC - AAEES will be exhibiting again at Booth 6534 and volunteers for booth duty are welcome. Click here to sign up as an official Academy booth spokesperson or email Sammi at JSOlmo@aaees.org. Not only will you get a chance to promote the Academy, but you will also find yourself making connections that are made possible only through your participation in the booth. Being there adds to your WEFTEC experience. We look forward to your joining the AAEES WEFTEC team!

October 12, 2017 - AAEES Annual West Coast Event. This year's topic is After Decades of Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR); Are We Ready for Next Step, Direct Potable Reuse (DPR)? To see the speaker lineup and to register today, go to http://bit.ly/2017WestCoastEvent.

October 12, 2017, Environmental Symposium, Hampton Inn & Suites, Cazenovia, New York. There will be six one-hour speeches. It will be a one day environmental symposium with a balance between environmental science and engineering issues with focus on emerging issues. For information, contact Howard LaFever at Howard.LaFever@ghd.com.

October 19, 2017, AAEES Technical Conference: Protecting Our Precious Resource - Texas Water, San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas. The American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists (AAEES) will be hosting a one-day technical conference in San Antonio, Texas in conjunction with the Academy's Board of Trustees Meeting the following day. The selected speakers represent the "Best of the Best" professionals. Registration TBA.

November 14, 2017, FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Innovative Approach for Implementing Performance -Based Remediation at Fort Ord. Presentation. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Highpoints | Volume 33, No. 6 -- June 2017

Nominations Open for Prestigious AAEES Awards

Do you know someone who deserves recognition for their professional achievement? Each year at the AAEES Awards Luncheon ceremony, the Academy honors top environmental engineers and scientists. The individual awards include:

Forms for submitting nominations are available at http://www.aaees.org/aaeesawards-criteria.php. Please submit your nominations at Sammi Olmo at JSOlmo@aaees.org no later than July 15, 2017.

Free Webinars

If you missed one of our webinars but would like to see them, here are the recording links to several past webinars. For a list of upcoming webinars please see "AAEES Activities" at the end of this newsletter. Enjoy!

  • Orange County Groundwater Replenishment System Initial Expansion

  • Leadership in Environmental Engineering "A Tale of Two Journeys"

  • State-of-the-Art Nitrogen Upgrade to Protect our Waters
    PLAY RECORDING NOW (the video on this presentation starts after the 8 minute mark so you may want to fast forward to that point)


The certification audit for 2017 is now underway with the auditing of 41 certificants. Documentation is due by September 1st, if you have any questions please contact Joyce Dowen at JDowen@aaees.org.

Membership Corner

If you have not renewed your certification by March 31st, it is considered expired! Please contact Joyce Dowen at Academy Headquarters at 410-266-3311 or JDowen@aaees.org. Did you know you can always renew online anytime at The AAEES Center at:


AAEES Shirt Available!

The superb feel of interlock knit enhanced by the subtle glow of jacquard knit shadow stripes. These easy care polos are 58/42 cotton/poly, flat knit collar, three-button placket and open hem sleeves. Available in Small to XXL.

Click here to order yours now!

2017 Examinations

On April 12th, the Admissions Committee completed evaluations of more than 65 applications paving the way for examinations to be conducted during July and August. Coupled with holdovers from previous years, more than 90 examinations will be administered this summer. If you are called upon to serve on a peer review panel or as a Chief Examiner, your cooperation and assistance in this effort is greatly appreciated and you will receive 0.5 PDH credit per interview. Exams are already scheduled in Southern California, Northern California, Canada, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, Upstate New York, North Carolina, Eastern Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Washington and Wisconsin.

Staff Summer Hours

Staff summer hours begin Memorial Day Weekend. The office closes Fridays at 12:00 p.m. Normal business hours resume following Labor Day Weekend. You may leave a message for any staff person by calling 410.266.3311 and listening for the appropriate extension, or send an email by clicking here.

Subscribe to the AAEES Meetings and Events Calendar

Click here to view the AAEES Events Calendar. Bookmark it or subscribe to our calendar to have the most up-to-date events, meetings, and announcements.

Have You Visited The AAEES Center? - BCEEs, BCEEMs, BCESs, Members, and Student Members

You may now renew and update your Profile records online! Additional members-only benefits include an online directory, search for other members, view updated committee and board rosters, and purchase lapel pins, certificates, and other apparel!

Non-members and guests are also able to use the AAEES Center to apply for membership, subscribe to Environmental Engineer and Scientist, register for events, and to purchase AAEES publications. Click on the Login button on the AAEES.org home page to visit the AAEES Center or click on the following link: https://netforum.avectra.com/eWeb/StartPage.aspx?Site=AAEES. The AAEES Center is a secure site.

AAEES on Social Media

Please visit, follow, subscribe, and recommend the Academy on all of our newly updated social media networks! Contribute a valuable discussion to the 1900+ subscribers on LinkedIn, join the conversation on Twitter, check out your Academy's exciting events on Facebook, view the most up to date photos on Flickr, and much more! You can access all of the Academy's social media networks through the shortcuts on the AAEES homepage: http://www.aaees.org/.

AAEES Activities

Elevate Your Visibility Today Through the Academy

June 28, 2017, FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Robert W. Hite Treatment Facility South Secondary Improvements Project Webinar. 12 noon Eastern. Click here to register.

June 28, 2017, The Biscayne Bay Marine Health Summit. For details about the summit, registration, and sponsorship opportunities, click here.

August 15, 2017, FREE AAEES Live Webinar: PBMO™ Presentation. 12 noon Eastern. Click here to register.

September 14, 2017, FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Novel and Advanced Hybrid Oxidation and Enzymatic Technologies for Emerging Trace Environmental Contaminants. 12 noon Eastern. Click here to register.

October 2, 2017 - AAEES Breakfast at WEFTEC. All are invited! This year's breakfast is at 7:00 am at the McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois. The Keynote Speaker is Dr. Krishna Pagilla P.E., BCEE, Professor and Environmental Engineering Program Director at the University of Nevada, Reno. Dr. Pagilla is an expert and internationally-known leader in the fields of water quality, water resource recovery, water reuse, and environmental biotechnology. Details of his speech to follow. Earn one Academy PDH for attending. Click here to register.

September 30 - October 4, 2017 - WEFTEC - AAEES will be exhibiting again at Booth 6534 and volunteers for booth duty are welcome. Click here to sign up as an official Academy booth spokesperson or email Sammi at JSOlmo@aaees.org. Not only will you get a chance to promote the Academy, but you will also find yourself making connections that are made possible only through your participation in the booth. Being there adds to your WEFTEC experience. We look forward to your joining the AAEES WEFTEC team!

October 12, 2017, Southern California Annual Event at the Orange County Sanitation District. This year's topic will be Indirect and Direct Potable Reuse and will focus on Are We Ready for DPR. For information, contact Sharon Yin at syin@ocsd.com.

October 12, 2017, Environmental Symposium, Hampton Inn & Suites, Cazenovia, New York. There will be six one-hour speeches. It will be a one day environmental symposium with a balance between environmental science and engineering issues with focus on emerging issues. For information, contact Howard LaFever at howard.lafever@ghd.com.

October 19, 2017, AAEES Technical Conference: Protecting Our Precious Resource – Texas Water, San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas. The American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists (AAEES) will be hosting a one-day technical conference in San Antonio, Texas in conjunction with the Academy's Board of Trustees Meeting the following day. The selected speakers represent the "Best of the Best" professionals. Registration TBA.

November 14, 2017, FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Innovative Approach for Implementing Performance-Based Remediation at Fort Ord, Presentation. 12 noon Eastern. Click here to register.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Highpoints | Volume 33, No. 5 -- May 2017

AAEES at NJWEA's 102nd Annual Conference

AAEES's 9th Annual Workshop and Breakfast at NJWEA's 102nd Annual Conference held in Atlantic City, New Jersey May 7th-12th was a huge success. Thank you David Marabello, David Vaccari, and Jay Surti for making it happen.

Recruiting Season – It's Not Over

Recruit Photo

While you may think that the Academy's recruiting efforts are over when our annual deadline for applications rolls around at the end of March, that's not what happens. Instead, rather than putting our recruiting efforts on the back burner, we transition to recruiting for the rest of this calendar year through the first quarter of next year. In other words, our search never ends. We need to continually find new, well-qualified environmental engineering and environmental science professionals who are looking to take that next step in their career path -- the path to board certification in their specialty.

Doing that requires input from our existing roster of certified individuals. We need your help. We need you to let us know when you encounter someone that you recognize as having the qualifications and knowledge that will enable them to pass the examination and/or peer review required to become board-certified. You know who these people are. You encounter them every day, and each encounter reinforces your impression that this is someone who should apply for board certification.

This is where we encounter the first hurdle. It's not enough for you to know who these well-qualified people are; we need you to tell us who they are. We need you to fill out the simple one-page nomination form and send it to us so we can get the formal application process rolling. Whether that happens in April, September, December, or March doesn't really matter. What matters is that we begin the process. What matters is that we put these applicants on the path to certification. We can't do that without your continued support and participation in our recruiting efforts.

So don't be reluctant to approach people on the topic of the Academy. And above all, don't be reluctant to get them started on the paper trail that leads to certification.

Submit a Nomination Button

TAX Season and Planned Giving to the Academy

Now that we are past the April tax season, we want to say thank you to those of you who made the Academy and the Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation a part of your charitable contributions. We appreciate your gift and will use the funds to support education in environmental engineering and science.

We also want to emphasize the fact that we are looking to enhance the effectiveness of our charitable giving programs. There are a lot of ways to do this, but the most important to us is just to ask our audience to develop the habit of giving.

We have recently put in place some very important mechanisms that will help us build a program that consistently generates gifts while also consistently taking those gifts and converting them into meaningful action in support of the profession that we are all engaged in.

Take a look at the Foundation's website and see if there are ways that we can help you build a legacy of giving that supports our mission to preserve and protect the environment for the benefit of all.

AAEES Webinars Feature E3S Grand Prize Winners

You may already be aware of this, but part of our annual Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science (E3S) program involves making information on the prize winners' projects available to the broadest possible audience. To do this, we have crafted a series of webinars featuring the prizewinners as guest speakers. We have them prepare a presentation on their project, and then bring it to you through our webinar platform. The presentations are all live, which means that we have the opportunity to do Q&A at the conclusion of the prepared presentations.

We have been doing roughly one webinar per month for the last six months, and as the word gets out that we are doing this, our audience has steadily grown. The beauty of the program is that it's a great way to bring the innovative work that environmental engineers and scientists are doing to people with a casual interest in the field, as well as to practicing environmental professionals.

To make this an even more valuable service, we are posting the presentations and the accompanying audio track on the Academy website. We also capture the Q&A session at the conclusion presentation. Best of all, it's available to you on demand so you can stream the presentation when you have the time. If you can make it to the live session, it doesn't mean that you can't get the information. We are very pleased with how well this is working. Click on this link to get a sample of what the presentation looks like and how easy it is to take advantage of the program. And please feel free to get back to us with suggestions on how we can make this even better.

Our next webinar will be held on June 28, 2017 at 12 noon EST. This webinar's focus will be on the Robert W. Hite Treatment Facility South Secondary Improvements Project. Click here to register.

Membership Corner

Did you know you can always renew online anytime at The AAEES Center?

Click here to go to the AAEES Center.

If you have not renewed your certification, it has lapsed! Please contact Joyce Dowen at 410-266-3311 to renew.

2017 Examinations

On April 12th, the Admissions Committee completed evaluations of more than 65 applications paving the way for examinations to be conducted during July and August. Coupled with holdovers from previous years, more than 90 examinations will be administered this summer. If you are called upon to serve on a peer review panel or as a Chief Examiner, your cooperation and assistance in this effort is greatly appreciated and you will receive 0.5 PDH credit per interview. Exams are already scheduled in Northern California, Illinois, Maryland and Washington.

Staff Summer Hours

Staff summer hours begin Memorial Day Weekend. The office closes Fridays at 12:00 p.m. Normal business hours resume following Labor Day Weekend. You may leave a message for any staff person by calling 410.266.3311 and listening for the appropriate extension, or send an email by clicking here.

Subscribe to the AAEES Meetings and Events Calendar

Click here to view the AAEES Events Calendar. Bookmark it or subscribe to our calendar to have the most up-to-date events, meetings, and announcements.

2017 Who's Who and Resource Guidebook

BCEEs, BCEEMs, BCESs, and AAEES Members: The 2017 editions of Who's Who in Environmental Engineering and Science and the Environmental Engineering and Science Resource Guidebook are currently in production and will be available mid-June. All AAEES members will receive a link to download a digital version of these documents. Should you wish to receive a hard copy of either - or both - you must email YMoulden@aaees.org by May 31st with your request. If you received hard copies of these publications last year, then you are already recognized for that preference and will automatically be mailed the print editions. If you only received the digital versions and would like to change to the hard copies, please email YMoulden@aaees.org by May 31st.

Have You Visited The AAEES Center? - BCEEs, BCEEMs, BCESs, Members, and Student Members

You may now renew and update your Profile records online! Additional members-only benefits include an online directory, search for other members, view updated committee and board rosters, and purchase lapel pins, certificates, and other apparel. Non-members and guests are also able to use the AAEES Center to apply for membership, subscribe to Environmental Engineer and Scientist, register for events, and to purchase AAEES publications. Click on the Login button on the AAEES.org home page to visit the AAEES Center or click on the following link: https://netforum.avectra.com/eWeb/StartPage.aspx?Site=AAEES. The AAEES Center is a secure site.

AAEES on Social Media

Please visit, follow, subscribe, and recommend the Academy on all of our newly updated social media networks! Contribute a valuable discussion to the 1900+ subscribers on LinkedIn, join the conversation on Twitter, check out your Academy's exciting events on Facebook, view the most up to date photos on Flickr, and much more! You can access all of the Academy's social media networks through the shortcuts on the AAEES homepage: http://www.aaees.org/


AAEES Shirt Available!

The superb feel of interlock knit enhanced by the subtle glow of jacquard knit shadow stripes. These easy care polos are 58/42 cotton/poly, flat knit collar, three-button placket and open hem sleeves. Available in Small to XXL.

Click here to order yours now!

AAEES Activities

Elevate Your Visibility Today Through the Academy

It's easy and free to host an Academy Workshop or Seminar in your locale - If you would like to learn more, please email Sammi Olmo at JSOlmo@aaees.org. Be sure to give an approximate date and suggested topic (if any), possible speakers, and possible location. For three easy steps to hosting an event, click here.

June 5 - 8, 2017, AWMA's 110th Annual Conference & Exhibition (ACE), Pittsburgh, PA. Click here to register.

June 11 - 14, 2017, AWWA ACE17 Conference: Philadelphia, PA. Click here to register.

June 14, 2017, AAEES/AIDIS/AWWA Luncheon Presentation, 11:30 am - 2:00 pm at the Philadelphia Marriott. Eleanor Allen, P.E., BCEE, Chief Executive Officer, Water For People will be speaking on The Dynamic Career Journey of a Global Water Engineer (From Non-Profit to For-Profit and Back Again). Click here to register.

June 28, 2017, FREE AAEES Live Webinar: Robert W. Hite Treatment Facility South Secondary Improvements Project Webinar. 12 noon EST. Click here to register.