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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Highpoints | Volume 32, No. 7 -- July 2016

2016 AAEES Annual Board of Trustees Meeting & Technical Conference

The 2016 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at Hampton Inn & Suites, Cazenovia, New York, October 19-21, 2016. President LaFever encourages the BOT to arrive early to attend the Welcome Dinner on Wednesday evening, October 19 and the Technical Conference - Program and Plant Performance Improvements with Emphasis on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability on Thursday, October 20.

The BOT meeting begins at 8:00 a.m. Friday, October 21. The President's Reception and Installation will be held the evening of Thursday, October 20. More details to follow next month.

2016 Election

Unofficial winners in the election of 2017 Officers and Trustees include:

  • C. Hunter Nolen - President-Elect
  • Kristin Morico - Vice President
  • David M. Gaddis - Trustee-at-Large
  • Jeffrey H. Greenfield - Trustee-at-Large
  • Wendy A. Wert - Trustee-at-Large

Confirmation of their election will take place at the 2016 Annual Meeting. They will be installed October 20, 2016, along with the new Board of Trustees. Their official terms start January 1, 2017.

Leaving the Board December 31, are James F. Stahl, Past President, Sandra L. Tripp, Trustee-at-Large, and R. Benson Pair, representing AIChE.

2017 Committee Appointments

Reminder to Committee Chairs - President-Elect Robert Williams is anxious to receive your recommendations for new committee members and/or chairs to replace those whose terms expire in December 2016. The Academy is seeking volunteers who are interested in helping the Academy through its network of committees. Committee appointments are for three-year terms. Please email your recommendations and letters of interest to the attention of President-Elect Robert Williams either via email at JSOlmo@aaees.org or via postal mail to Academy Headquarters * 147 Old Solomons Island Road* Suite 303 * Annapolis, MD 21401, at your earliest convenience. For a list of committees and committee members click here.

Committee Chair Reports - Annual Reports are Due September 1st

The Executive Committee requests that each Committee Chair provide a report describing the committee's accomplishments for the year. Other matters the Committee wishes to bring to the Board's attention should also be included in the Committee Report. To obtain a copy of the Committee Report form, go to http://www.aaees.org/downloadcenter/ReportForm-Committees.doc.

Sponsoring Organization Reports - Annual Reports are Due September 1st

The Executive Committee requests that each SO Liaison provide a report describing achievements in enhancing relations between the two organizations. Reports are needed by September 1 so they may be reviewed by the Executive Committee. To obtain a copy of the Sponsoring Organization Report form, go to http://www.aaees.org/downloadcenter/ReportForm-SponsoringOrganizations.doc.

Nominations Open for Prestigious AAEES Awards

Who, in your opinion, deserves recognition for their professional achievements? Each year at the Awards Luncheon the Academy honors top environmental engineers and scientists. The individual awards include:

Forms for submitting nominations are available at http://www.aaees.org/aaeesawards-criteria.php. Please submit your nominations to Sammi Olmo at JSOlmo@aaees.org no later than August 1, 2016.

Electronic Certification Applications Available Year 'round

Who encouraged you to obtain your Certification? Won't you encourage qualified colleagues and associates to submit their applications for specialty certification? The Academy's online application forms make it easy to initiate the process. Don't wait for the last minute to help an associate receive the recognition and prestige that comes with becoming a Board Certified Environmental Engineer, Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member (non-PE), or Board Certified Environmental Scientist. Certification information and applications are available online at www.aaees.org under Membership. When encouraging applicants, be sure to send them the link to the Academy's "Value of Certification Video" below! Just copy and paste this link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0Of8-NsLjU into your message.

AAEES on Social Media

Reap the little-known advantages of social media. It's not too late to start. Try visiting, following, subscribing to, and recommending the Academy on all of its newly updated social media networks. Contribute a valuable discussion to the 1900+ subscribers on LinkedIn, join the conversation on Twitter, check out your Academy's exciting events on Facebook, view the most up to date photos on Flickr, and much more! Give it a whirl! You can access all of the Academy's social media networks through the new shortcuts on the AAEES homepage: http://www.aaees.org.


Thirty-eight BCEE/BCEEM/BCESs, chosen at random, have received notices for the 2016 audit. Each person audited is being asked to supply the Recertification Committee with documentation substantiating at least 40 Professional Development Hours over the course of the past two years. If you work full-time in environment-related activities you receive 24 PDHs. This takes you more than half way to meeting the required 40 hours. Earning credits for the remaining hours can be done by attending seminars, classes, symposiums, exhibits, performing presentations, etc. The PDHs for the audit are only for professional development activities engaged in during calendar years 2014 and 2015. Continuing professional development is required to maintain your Active or Life Active specialty certification. Those who have been audited within the past 10 years are exempt from the current cycle.

Membership Corner

If you have not renewed your certification by March 31st, it is considered expired! Please contact Joyce Dowen at Academy Headquarters at 410-266-3311 or JDowen@aaees.org. Please give us a call and we will handle your renewal over the telephone! Did you know you can always renew online anytime at The AAEES Center at:

Staff Summer Hours

Staff summer hours began Memorial Day Weekend. The office closes Fridays at 12:00 p.m. Normal business hours resume following Labor Day Weekend. You may leave a message for any staff person by calling 410.266.3311 and listening for the appropriate extension, or send an email by clicking here.

Is Your Marketing Director Signed On?

The Academy is creating a contact list of marketing directors to improve awareness of Academy members and stakeholders and their significant achievements in environmental engineering and science. Ask your marketing director to sign up for information by visiting AAEES.org, or clicking on this link.

Remembering Lawrence A. Bock

USA Science and Engineering Festival visionary and founder Lawrence A. Bock - a tireless advocate for STEM education and innovation - died July 7 of pancreatic cancer at his home in the San Diego area. He was 56.

Richard Pope, Chair of the AAEES K-12 Education Committee, noted that his passing is a profound loss, "but his legacy of inspiring math and science education will have a lasting impact on students and our nation for future generations."

Larry launched the San Diego Science Festival to educate and inspire our next generation to pursue STEM careers. He then evolved this into the USA Science & Engineering Festival, the nation's largest science festival held biennially in Washington, D.C. with an estimated 300,000 attendees at the session in April of this year.

In addition to his work with the Festival, Larry was a serial entrepreneur who founded, co-founded or financed the early stage growth of 40 companies from inception to an aggregate market capitalization of $70 billion.

In lieu of flowers or gifts, contributions may be made to Science Spark to assist in ensuring the continuation of the USA Science and Engineering Festival, his crowning achievement. The Festival combines his love of science, entrepreneurship, sense of adventure, and his fondest hopes and dreams as a Dad. Click here to donate.

2016 IWA Project Innovation Awards

The IWA Project Innovation Awards (PIA) aims to highlight innovative water and wastewater engineering projects around the world, thus bringing recognition to these projects as models of engineering excellence and spreading the knowledge of water and wastewater science and management. The awards span six categories: Applied Research, Planning, Design, Small Projects, Operations/Management, and Marketing and Communication. All 2015 and 2016 E3S award winners are invited to submit their projects online via the IWA PIA website http://www.iwa-network.org/iwa-project-innovation-awards/. More details forthcoming.

The Fulbright Scholar Program

We thought we would share some award information our members may be interested in from The Fulbright Scholar Program

The Fulbright Scholar Program offers teaching, research or combination teaching and research awards in over 125 countries for the 2017-2018 academic year. Opportunities are available for college and university faculty and administrators as well as for professionals, scientists, independent scholars and many others in Environmental Sciences.

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers more than 120 awards across the environmental sciences and nearly 500 awards overall for the 2017-2018 year. Please visit Environmental Sciences, Biological Sciences and Chemistry webpage for further award highlights and examples of successful projects, and scholar testimonials which highlight the outcomes and benefits associated with completing a Fulbright U.S. Scholar grant.

For eligibility factors, detailed application guidelines and review criteria, please follow this link: http://cies.org/program/core-fulbright-us-scholar-program.

You may wish to register for one of their webinars (you can access the recording of their March 25th webinar on Opportunities in Environmental Sciences) or join My Fulbright, a resource center for applicants interested in the program.

Applicants must be U.S. citizens and the current competition will close on August 1, 2016.

National Academies Press

The following reports are now available for purchase or FREE PDF download at the National Academies Press Website.

Using Graywater and Stormwater to Enhance Local Water Supplies: An Assessment of Risks, Costs, and Benefits (2016)

Using Graywater and Stormwater to Enhance Local Water Supplies analyzes the risks, costs, and benefits on various uses of graywater and stormwater. This report examines technical, economic, regulatory, and social issues associated with graywater and stormwater capture for a range of uses, including non-potable urban uses, irrigation, and groundwater recharge. Using Graywater and Stormwater to Enhance Local Water Supplies considers the quality and suitability of water for reuse, treatment and storage technologies, and human health and environmental risks of water reuse. The findings and recommendations of this report will be valuable for water managers, citizens of states under a current drought, and local and state health and environmental agencies. Click here.

Evaluation of the Predictive Ecological Model for the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan: An Interim Report as Part of Phase 2 (2016)

An ad hoc committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is in the process of reviewing the many different scientific initiatives underway to support the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). The Committee to Review the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan is focusing on the adequacy of information to reliably inform assessments of the HCP's scientific initiatives, ensuring that these initiatives are based on the best-available science. The study spans from 2014 to 2018 and will result in three reports. At the conclusion of Phase 1, the Committee issued its first report (NRC, 2015), which focused on hydrologic modeling, ecological modeling, water quality and biological monitoring, and the Applied Research Program. The Committee will issue its second report in late 2016 and its third and final report in 2018.

This interim report is part of Phase 2 activities and will be incorporated, as an appendix, into the second report. This interim report focuses on the ecological modeling only and is being provided prior to the issuance of the second report in order for the Committee's comments (which take the form of conclusions and recommendations) to be considered while the ecological modeling team is still in place. Click here.

The O*NET Initiative

The Academy has been asked to assist with an important initiative called O*NET (Occupational Information Network), a project for the U.S. Department of Labor and America's primary source of occupational information. RTI International, the non-profit research firm contracted by the DOL to conduct the data collection, is gathering information about the work of Environmental Engineers. Our input is vital to the success of this project and maintaining the most current and accurate summary of our work at the O*NET Database: www.onetonline.org.

Some of our most experienced members will be invited to provide feedback on tasks, knowledge areas, work context factors, and activities via questionnaires to keep information about our profession accurate and up-to-date at the O*NET Database. The calls will begin in late summer.

If you are contacted by the O*NET liaisons, we hope you will consider assisting with this important research as it will be of great benefit to the millions of students, educators, job seekers, veterans, labor market researchers and employers who use the free O*NET Database each year as a resource for career exploration, research, hiring/training and job analysis.

If you have questions about the O*NET research, please contact Traci Davis at RTI International - she will be happy to speak with you. 877-233-7348 ext. 109 or tdavis@onet.rti.org.

Thank you for your support of this research and of the Academy.

AAEES Activities

Elevate Your Visibility Today Through The Academy

It's easy and free to host an Academy Workshop or Seminar in your locale - If you would like to learn more, please email Sammi Olmo at JSOlmo@aaees.org. Be sure to give an approximate date and suggested topic (if any), possible speakers, and possible location. For three easy steps to hosting an event, click here.

September 26, 2016 - AAEES Breakfast at WEFTEC. All are invited! This year's breakfast is at 7:00 am at the New Orleans Morial Convention Center. The Keynote Speaker is James R. Mihelcic, Ph.D., BCEEM, Samuel L. and Julia M. Flom Professor & State of Florida 21st Century World Class Scholar, University of South Florida. Details of his speech to follow. Earn one Academy PDH for attending. Click here to register.

September 26-28, 2016 - WEFTEC - AAEES will be exhibiting again at Booth 2864 and volunteers for booth duty are welcome. Click here to sign up as an official Academy booth spokesperson or email Sammi at JSOlmo@aaees.org. Not only will you get a chance to promote the Academy, but you will also find yourself making connections that are made possible only through your participation in the booth. Being there adds to your WEFTEC experience. We look forward to your joining the AAEES WEFTEC team!

October 20, 2016 - AAEES Technical Conference: Program and Plant Performance Improvements with Emphasis on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability, Hampton Inn & Suites, Cazenovia, NY. The American Academy of Environmental Engineers & Scientists (AAEES) will be hosting a one-day technical conference in Cazenovia, New York in conjunction with the Academy's Board of Trustees Meeting the following day. The selected speakers represent the "Best of the Best" professionals from Central New York in their environmental specialties of water and wastewater. Attendees will hear about the proven and state-of-the-art technologies and concepts to maximize performance and improve energy efficiencies and sustainability. Updated agenda can be found here. Register online now at http://bit.ly/AAEES2016Conference.

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