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Friday, January 15, 2016

Highpoints Volume 32, No. 1 -- January 2016

Time is running out!
2016 Excellence in Environmental Engineering & Science

Please submit your reservation form for the E3S Competition for 2016 this week to receive the link to your secured drop box. The deadline for uploading entries is February 1, 2016. The submission process is entirely electronic, allowing you to submit your completed entry directly online. Judging is also conducted electronically with an unlimited geographic representation of judges. Entering the E3S competition is a prerequisite for entering the North American category of the IWA PIA Awards.

For entry details, click here. For other information, email JSOlmo@aaees.org.

2016 IWA Project Innovation Awards

The IWA Project Innovation Awards (PIA) aims to highlight innovative water and wastewater engineering projects around the world, thus bringing recognition to these projects as models of engineering excellence and spreading the knowledge of water and wastewater science and management. The awards span six categories: Applied Research, Planning, Design, Small Projects, Operations/Management, and Marketing and Communication. All 2015 and 2016 E3S award winners will be invited to submit their projects online via the IWA PIA website http://www.iwa-network.org/. More details forthcoming.

2016 Environmental Communications Awards

We all know how important communicating complex and challenging issues to stakeholders and partners can be. Effectively communicating with the public at large and other constituents is equally as important. With this in mind, AAEES is inviting you to enter this important competition. In cooperation with the International Water Association and the PIA Awards, the Academy is proud to offer this area of competition and invites consulting firms and municipalities alike to enter. The deadline to upload your project is March 1, 2016. Submit your reservation form today to receive the link to your secured drop box. The winner will be announced at the Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Awards Luncheon & Conference. The winner will also qualify to enter the IWA's International competition in the North American section. For details and to enter, click here or email JSOlmo@aaees.org.

2015 Certification Audit Underway

The Audit is almost completed with only 9% of the members not participating!

Annual Certification Renewal for 2016

We still have a lot of members that have not renewed. The due date for your 2016 Specialty Certification Renewals is January 31st! Please feel free to call Joyce if you need assistance or to renew over the telephone.

2016 Environmental Engineering and Science Resource Guidebook - Sign Up for Your Listing

The Academy invites you to sign up for a listing in the 2016 Environmental Engineering and Science Resource Guidebook. We are releasing the Guidebook in both electronic and print format to make this year's edition easier to use and easier to distribute to individuals and organizations looking to connect with environmental specialists. We are expanding the content that each listing receives - enabling web links in the e-version and providing more room to post information on your specialties in both versions. We expect to print and distribute the new publication more widely than we have in the past, with a special focus on outreach at the trade events and conferences we attend during the year. We are also planning an expanded role for the Guidebook in making federal, state, and local agencies aware of the capabilities of our members in helping deal with current environmental engineering needs.

Ask your organization to reserve its space by January 15, 2016. It's great exposure for a low cost. For details, email JSOlmo@aaees.org. To download the reservation form, go to http://www.aaees.org/downloadcenter/ResourceGuidebookReservationForm.doc.

AAEES Career Center

The interactive job board is free to members who are seeking employment. The site provides employers and recruiters with highly qualified environmental engineering job candidates. Employers may post available positions directly to the Career Center for a fee of $495/position for a 30 day listing. Payment is made online by credit card. Internship postings are free! For more information, go to http://careers.aaees.org.

Committee Appointments

2016 President Howard LaFever has finalized committee appointments for the Academy's next program year (January 1 to December 31) and appointment letters will be mailed to those newly appointed this year. Following is a list of those who will chair the Academy's committees:

  • Audit Committee - Richard P. Watson
  • Awards Committee - James F. Stahl
  • Honorary Member Selection Sub-Committee - James F. Stahl
  • Brewster Snow Student Selection Committee - Richard S. Magee
  • Bylaws, Policies & Procedures Committee - Stephen G. Lippy
  • Admissions Committee - Sandra L. Tripp
  • Certification by Eminence Committee - Cecil Lue-Hing
  • Membership, Development & Outreach Committee - Christopher Jones
  • Re-Certification Committee - Lisa Woodward
  • Development & Upgrading of Examinations - Robert H. Gilbertsen
  • Air Pollution Control Committee - Mark P. Cal
  • Environmental Sustainability Committee - Brent Jones
  • General Environmental Engineering Committee - Findlay Edwards
  • Hazardous Waste Management Committee - James D. Fitzgerald
  • Industrial Hygiene Committee - Frederick W. Boelter
  • Radiation Protection Committee - Jafir Abbas Jaferi
  • Solid Waste Management Committee - Robert B. Gardner
  • Water Supply and Wastewater Committee - Jeffrey H. Greenfield
  • Diversity Committee - Tapas A. Das
  • Engineering Education Committee - David A. Chin
  • Excellence in Environmental Engineering Committee - David M. Gaddis
  • Finance Committee - Daniel B. Oerther
  • International Relations Committee - Kumar Topudurti
  • K-12 Committee - Richard J. Pope
  • Nominating Committee - James F. Stahl
  • Planning Committee - Kristin Morico
  • Publications Committee - C. Herb Ward
  • Seminars and Workshop Committee - Sarah Cwikla
  • Students & Young Professionals - Nick Rose

AAEES Activities

Elevate Your Visibility Today Through the Academy

It's easy and free to host an Academy Workshop or Seminar in your locale - If you would like to learn more, please email Workshops and Seminars Chair Sarah Cwikla at sarah.cwikla@ghd.com, and copy JSOlmo@aaees.org. Be sure to give an approximate date and suggested topic (if any), possible speakers, and possible location. For three easy steps to hosting an event, click here.

April 3 - 6, 2016, The 31st International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, PA. The International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management is an annual conference where researchers, educators, government officials, consultants, managers, community leaders and others meet to present and discuss topics related to all aspects of solid waste technology and management. For registration and additional information, go to http://solid-waste.org/2016-conference/.

April 14, 2016, AAEES Awards Luncheon and Conference, National Press Club, Washington, DC. Additional details forthcoming.

May 16, 2016, AAEES's 8th Annual Workshop on Nutrient Recovery (with TCHs, PDHs and CEUs); includes breakfast and/or lunch at NJWEA's 101st Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ. For registration or exhibitor information, visit www.njwea.org. Organized by David Marabello, David Vaccari and Jay Surti. Click here to see the AAEES Sessions.

May 17, 2016, AAEES's 8th Annual Wesley Eckenfelder Memorial Breakfast, State-of-the-Art Recovery of Phosphorus from Wastewater, at NJWEA's 101st Annual Conference. For registration or exhibitor information, visit www.njwea.org. Organized by David Marabello, David Vaccari and Jay Surti. Click here to see the AAEES Sessions.

June 19-22, 2016, AWWA ACE16 Conference, Chicago, IL. Additional details forthcoming.

June 20-23, 2016, AWMA Conference, New Orleans, LA. Details to follow.

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