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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Call for Entries - AAEES Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Competition

E3S Call for Entries

The Academy is extremely excited to announce the call for entries for the 2016 E3S awards! This is your chance to show off your unparalleled expertise in your area of Environmental Engineering and Science. This year's ceremony is already proving to be our most exciting and prestigious competition to date. We could not be more ecstatic to share a glass of champagne and have the opportunity to recognize the very best of the best. Details and guidelines are as follows:

The Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science (E3S) Awards recognize world-class, state-of-the-art advances in environmental engineering and science. Winners of the E3S Awards:

  • Receive public and professional recognition;
  • Accept trophies at the world-renowned National Press Club, Washington, D.C.;
  • Receive speaking invitations; and
  • Qualify for the International Water Association (IWA) global competition.

Entry Categories

  • Research - of a basic or applied nature that advances the state of the art of environmental engineering or science.
  • Planning - related to an environmental control project, system or environmental management facilities or activities.
  • Design - of pollution control or other environmental facilities.
  • Operations/Management - of pollution control or other environmental facilities, prevention programs, or environmental regulatory programs (federal, state or local).
  • University Research - of a basic or applied nature under the direction of a full-time faculty member. Third parties can "nominate" another for the award and provide the entry materials.
  • Small Projects - Any category above related to a potential or actual capital expenditure of $5 million or less or an operation or management activity with an annual budget of $500,000 or less.
  • Small Firms - Any category above conducted by a small firm with annual gross revenue of $5,000,000 or less.
  • Environmental Sustainability - the support of the quality of life while living within the carrying capacity of all systems. A long term balance of environmental stewardship, economic development, and social well being is achieved, including renewable resources timely regenerated, timely substitute replacement of nonrenewable resources, harmful substances absorbed timely or made harmless.
  • Industrial Waste Practice Award - recognizes outstanding projects that incorporate innovative management and technological approaches to industrial water and waste management issues at pilot or full scale, in: treatment of water for industrial uses; reclamation of industrial liquid, solid, toxic and hazardous wastes; and integrated waste management and industrial process modifications to achieve waste minimization and pollution prevention objectives; Management of air emissions; Remediation of groundwater and riverine, lake, estuarine, and marine water; Brownfields/Greenfields restoration; and Management of radioactive waste materials.

Electronic Submittal

The submittal process is online. The winners must submit a photographic panel for the awards presentation ceremony and conference presentation.

What Makes a Winning Project?

See examples of winning projects by clicking here.

If your best environmental engineering or environmental science projects deserve more recognition by the profession and the public, enter the 2016 E3S Awards program. The entry deadline is February 1, 2016.

Entry guidelines, submission forms, and previous winning entries available at http://www.aaees.org. Click on Awards and Competitions.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Highpoints | Volume 31, No. 8 -- August 2015

2015 Annual Meeting

The 2015 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California on Friday, October 23, 2015 starting at 7:30 AM with a Continental Breakfast.

On Thursday, October 22, the Academy will be hosting an Infrastructure Sustainability Summit at Loyola Marymount University. More information appears below under the heading of AAEES Summit. Following the Summit, the President's Reception and the Installation Dinner will be held at the Renaissance Los Angeles Airport Hotel, 9620 Airport Boulevard, Los Angeles, California from 6 to 9 p.m. The AAEES has a block of rooms at the hotel.

2016 Committee Appointments

Reminder to Committee Chairs - President-Elect Howard LaFever is anxious to receive your recommendations for new committee members and/or chairs to replace those whose terms expire in December 2015. The Academy is seeking volunteers who are interested in helping the Academy through its network of committees. Committee appointments are for three-year terms. Please email your recommendations and letters of interest to the attention of President-Elect LaFever either via email, JSOlmo@aaees.org or via postal mail to Academy Headquarters * 147 Old Solomons Island Road* Suite 303 * Annapolis, MD 21401, at your earliest convenience. For a list of committees and committee members click here.

Committee Chair Reports - Annual Reports are Due September 1st

The Executive Committee requests that each Committee Chair provide a report describing the committee's accomplishments for the year. Other matters the Committee wishes to bring to the Board's attention should also be included in the Committee Report. To obtain a copy of the Committee Report form, go to http://www.aaees.org/downloadcenter/ReportForm-Committees.doc.

Sponsoring Organization Reports - Annual Reports are Due September 1st

The Executive Committee requests that each SO Liaison provide a report describing achievements in enhancing relations between the two organizations. Reports are needed by September 1 so they may be reviewed by the Executive Committee. To obtain a copy of the Sponsoring Organization Report form, go to http://www.aaees.org/downloadcenter/ReportForm-SponsoringOrganizations.doc.

2016 Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science Competition and Awards

Give your best projects the international recognition they deserve. Begin planning your entry now. Deadline for entries is February 1, 2016. Participants in the 2016 AAEES E3S will be able to submit completed entries online. Look for details at www.aaees.org.

Thank you for all of your AAEES Awards Nominations

The Academy is grateful for all of the wonderful nominations that have been submitted for the 2016 AAEES Awards. We are carefully combing through all of the submissions for the following categories:

  • Gordon Maskew Fair Award for substantial contributions to the environmental engineering and science profession
  • Edward J. Cleary Award for outstanding management of environmental protection enterprises
  • Stanley E. Kappe Award for outstanding service to the Academy and advancement of public awareness
  • Honorary Member for professional eminence and achievements
  • International Honorary Member for professional eminence and achievements

2015 IWA Project Innovation Awards

The IWA Project Innovation Awards (PIA) aims to highlight innovative water and wastewater engineering projects around the world, thus bringing recognition to these projects as models of engineering excellence and spreading the knowledge of water and wastewater science and management. The awards span six categories: Applied Research, Planning, Design, Small Projects, Operations/Management, and Marketing and Communication. All 2015 and 2016 E3S award winners are invited to submit their projects online via the IWA PIA website http://www.iwa-network.org/. More details forthcoming.

Nominate a Volunteer of the Month

Give credit where credit is due! The Academy's success is based on the selfless work of its members. If you have personal knowledge of a member's contributions to the Academy and wish to nominate that individual for AAEES's Volunteer of the Month, please send your nomination to YMoulden@aaees.org. Your nomination should not exceed 350 words.

Electronic Certification Applications Available Year 'round

Who encouraged you to obtain your Certification? Won't you encourage qualified colleagues and associates to submit their applications for specialty certification? The Academy's online application forms make it easy to initiate the process. Don't wait for the last minute to help an associate receive the recognition and prestige that comes with becoming a Board Certified Environmental Engineer, Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member (non-PE), or Board Certified Environmental Scientist. Certification information and applications are available online at www.aaees.org under Membership. When encouraging applicants, be sure to send them the link to the Academy's "Value of Certification Video" below! Just copy and paste this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0Of8-NsLjU into your message.

AAEES on Social Media

Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Youtube Flickr Blogspot

Reap the little-known advantages of social media. It's not too late to start. Try visiting, following, subscribing to, and recommending the Academy on all of its newly updated social media networks. Contribute a valuable discussion to the 1900+ subscribers on LinkedIn, join the conversation on Twitter, check out your Academy's exciting events on Facebook, view the most up to date photos on Flickr, and much more! Give it a whirl! You can access all of the Academy's social media networks through the new shortcuts on the AAEES homepage: http://www.aaees.org.

2015 Certification Audit Underway

Forty-five BCEE/BCEEMs, chosen at random, have received notices for the 2015 audit. BCES members are not yet eligible for the audit. Each person audited is being asked to supply the Recertification Committee with documentation substantiating at least 40 Professional Development Hours. If you work full-time you automatically receive 24 PDHs and then you only have to come up with 16 more. This can be done by attending seminars, classes, symposiums, exhibits, performing presentations, etc. The PDHs are acquired by continuing professional development activities during calendar years January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2014 to ensure compliance with the continuing professional development requirements for Active and Life Active specialty certification. Those who were audited within the past 10 years are exempt from the current cycle. If you need assistance with the audit please contact Joyce Dowen at 410-266-3311.

Membership Corner

It is never too late to renew your certification. If you need assistance please contact Joyce Dowen at JDowen@aaees.org or renew online at http://www.aaees.org/members-specialtycertificationrenewal.php.

Staff Summer Hours

Staff summer hours began Memorial Day Weekend. The office closes Fridays at 12:00 p.m. Normal business hours resume following Labor Day Weekend. You may leave a message for any staff person by calling 410.266.3311 and listening for the appropriate extension, or send an email by clicking here.

Is Your Marketing Director Signed On?

The Academy is creating a contact list of marketing directors to improve awareness of Academy members and stakeholders and their significant achievements in environmental engineering and science. Ask your marketing director to sign up for information by visiting AAEES.org, or clicking on this link.

Attention Students

On behalf of our friends at AEESP, we would like to share an opportunity you may be interested in. The National Research Council, the National Science Foundation, and other contributing organizations are working to define the "Grand Challenges" that engineering and science will face, and need to resolve, by the year 2050.

If you are interested in contributing to this unique and important effort, we ask you to submit a summary of a Grand Challenge to the AEESP Student Services Committee. This information will be viewed and considered by the National Science Foundation and the National Research Council.

Click here for details on how to participate.

The deadline for submission is September 14. Please contact Stephanie Bolyard (stephanie.bolyard@ucf.edu) or Phil Larese-Casanova (phil@coe.neu.edu) directly with any questions you may have.

AAEES Activities

Elevate Your Visibility Today Through the Academy

It's easy and free to host an Academy Workshop or Seminar in your locale - If you would like to learn more, please email Workshops and Seminars Chair Sarah Cwikla at sarah.cwikla@ghd.com, and copy JSOlmo@aaees.org. Be sure to give an approximate date and suggested topic (if any), possible speakers, and possible location. For three easy steps to hosting an event, click here.

September 27-30, 2015 - WEFTEC - AAEES will be exhibiting again this year. You can find us in Booth 1447. Volunteers for booth duty are welcome. Click here to sign up as an official Academy booth spokesperson. Not only will you get a chance to promote the Academy, but you will also find yourself making connections that are only possible through your participation in the booth. Being there adds to your WEFTEC experience. We look forward to your joining the AAEES WEFTEC team!

AAEES/AIDIS/WEF Breakfast - The informative breakfast will be held on Monday, September 28th from 7:00 to 8:30 a.m. All are invited! This year's breakfast features Catherine O'Connor, Ph.D., P.E., Director of Engineering, MWRDGC. The title is "Recovering Resources, Transforming Water - Phosphorus Recovery and Other Sustainability Initiatives at Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago". "Recovering Resources, Transforming Water - Phosphorus Recovery and Other Sustainability Initiatives at Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago." The discussion will focus on the implementation of enhance biological phosphorus removal using existing infrastructure, coupled with phosphorus recovery and finishing by summarizing all resource recovery initiatives.

AAEES participation is partially sponsored by PE Consulting. Earn one Academy PDH for attending.

Register here: http://www.weftec.org/registration/

October 22, 2015 - Summit: Attaining a Sustainable Wet Infrastructure for Southern California - AAEES has assembled the leadership of the largest public water agencies in the Southern California area for a one-day program designed to provide perspective and insight on the issues they are facing in trying to meet current and future demands on their water infrastructure. This one-of-a-kind event will enable attendees to learn about the strategies that these agencies are employing in addressing the limitations that the current 500 year drought is imposing on Southern California and its ability to meet water demands. More importantly, the speakers will also focus on the options available for defining a 'new normal', and what that means for planning, designing, and building a water infrastructure that will accommodate their evolving reality.

The Academy is partnering with the Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering at Loyola Marymount University in presenting this program. The Summit is designed for anyone working in the area of water issues and sustainability. We view the Summit as an opportunity for networking and best practice sharing among sustainability practitioners.

Rather than prepare a structured agenda for the Summit, we have taken the other option of simply developing a suggested theme and having our speakers address that theme in the way they see most appropriate and relevant given the nature of their operations. Our intent in holding the Summit is to cast light on what the individual agencies are doing to meet their sustainability challenges. From that we expect to reveal and discuss areas of cooperation and partnership that might be developed to create new approaches for dealing with the issues being faced across the entire Southern California region.

Register here: http://bit.ly/AAEES2015Summit.